Cardano-based Hoskinsea Sells out 80% Allocated Token as Private Sale Ends in Few Hours

Hoskinsea marketplace is the largest NFT marketplace on the Cardano network. The platform is set to put in place all the advanced functionalities of NFT marketplace drawing some of its features from other blockchain networks.

Hoskinsea is set to solve the Cardano NFT Minting problem by granting multiple minting access, limitless NFT purchase orders and so much more.

Hoskinsea announced the launch of its native cryptocurency HSK token which will be used on the marketplace for different purposes, early birds can participate in the on-going HSK token private sale.

HSK Token Utilities

Purchase of NFT – Token holders will be able to purchase NFTs from Hoskinsea marketplace at a discounted price

Transaction Fees – NFT minting fees can be paid using HSK tokens

Governance & Voting – HSK token holders will be made part of the decision-making process of issues that affect our Ecosystem. As such, only holders of our tokens will be given the ability to vote on necessary decision-making processes that will affect our ecosystem.

It is important to note that the number of votes you can give and participation in the said voting process will be dependent on the amount of tokens you hold.

Exclusive Privileges – Top holders of HSK tokens will be given Exclusive access to rare edition NFTs which will only be made available during the Public mint.

Purchase AD Slots – Due to the large number of NFTs that will be on the platform, users will be able to purchase ad slots for their NFTs using HSK Token.

Transaction Fees Redistribution – Top holders will also be able to benefit on our platform by earning a fixed percentage of profits made from all the transactions carried out on the platform using the HSK token.

Creator Verification and Voting – Users will always be more likely to purchase or transact from verified creators on our platform. As such, creators who wish to verify their platform will be required to stake a preset amount of HSK tokens before they can apply for verification.

Stoking Platform – HSK token holders can choose to stake their tokens on our staking platform to earn more tokens

NFT Farming – Users will be able to stake NFTs on our platform and be able to earn rewards in limited/rare NFTs which can be tradable on other NFT platforms too.

How to Buy HSK on Private Sale

HSK Private Sale is Live now!! Early birds who wish to acquire some $HSK tokens at the Private Sale before Exchange Listing can do so by visiting the  $HSK Sale Page.

The Private Sale sale allocation is 10% (10,000,000) and will be made available for sale at a rate of 1 ADA for $HSK 200 tokens.

Minimum Buy: 200 ADA

Maximum Buy: 20,000 ADA

Purchase HSK tokens here –

About Hoskinsea NFTs & Collectilbes Marketplace

Hoskinsea is the largest NFT and crypto collectibles marketplace on the Cardano network. At Hoskinsea, we’re excited about a brand new type of digital good called a non-fungible token, or NFT. NFTs have exciting new properties: they’re unique, provably scarce, tradeable, and usable across multiple applications. Just like physical goods, you can do whatever you want with them! You could throw them in the trash, gift them to a friend across the world, or go sell them on an open marketplace. But unlike physical goods, they’re armed with all the programmability of digital goods.

Hoskinsea is building tools that allow consumers to trade their items freely, creators to launch new digital works, and developers to build rich, integrated marketplaces for their digital items. We’re proud to be the largest marketplace for Cardano NFTs.

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