What’s the Environmental Impact of Cryptocurrency?

Many people are bullish about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but detractors point to a major flaw—cryptocurrency mining is highly energy-intensive. While mining is just one method available to validate cryptocurrency transactions and mint new crypto coins, it’s the method used by Bitcoin and Ethereum, the two leading cryptocurrencies.

Keep reading to find out how much energy is used by cryptocurrency mining, and understand the other environmental impacts of cryptocurrency. Learn about alternatives to crypto mining that use much less energy.

Key Takeaways

  • Bitcoin and other proof-of-work cryptocurrencies require large amounts of energy—more than is used by entire countries—to perform the computations associated with crypto mining.
  • These energy requirements help secure cryptocurrencies by making it prohibitively expensive for any one party to hijack the network.
  • The largest country for Bitcoin mining is the United States, which accounts for 42.7% of Bitcoin mining activities.
  • About 37 kilotons of electronic waste are annually produced as a byproduct of Bitcoin mining.
  • Some cryptocurrencies do not use mining, but Bitcoin is unlikely to change its consensus algorithm.

Energy Consumption of Cryptocurrency Mining

There is no direct way to calculate how much energy is used for Bitcoin mining, but the figure can be estimated from the network’s hashrate and the consumption of commercially-available mining rigs. The Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index estimates that Bitcoin, the most widely-mined cryptocurrency network, used an estimated 26.73 Terawatt-hours of electricity per year and 167.72 Terawatt-hours of electricity through energy assets at the production point—more than the Netherlands, Argentina, or the United Arab Emirates, using 2020 estimates.

Another estimate by Digiconomist, a cryptocurrency analytics site, places the figure at 204.5 Terawatt-hours, based on energy consumption through May 27, 2022. This computes to around 2,159 kilowatt-hours of electricity per transaction, the same amount of power consumed by the average American household over 74.01 days.

Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency network, is estimated to use 87.29 Terawatt-hours of electricity per year, based on energy consumption through May 27, 2022—comparable to the power consumption of Finland. The average Ethereum transaction required 210.16 kilowatt-hours of electricity, which is the same amount of power that an average U.S. household consumes in 7.1 days.

Ethereum developers are attempting to transition to a low-energy proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, but this goal remains remote.

More than 15,000 different cryptocurrencies and over 400 exchanges exist worldwide. None of the cryptocurrency energy use reports or calculations account for the energy expended to develop new coins or administer services for them.

The amount of energy consumed by cryptocurrency mining is likely to increase over time, assuming that prices and user adoption continue to increase. Cryptocurrency mining is a competitive process: as the value of the block reward goes up, the incentives to start mining go up as well. Higher cryptocurrency prices mean more energy being consumed by crypto networks.

Why Cryptocurrency Mining Requires Energy

The energy intensity of crypto mining is a feature, not a bug. Just like mining for physical gold, mining for Bitcoin or another proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrency is designed to use large amounts of energy. The system is designed to make it prohibitively expensive (although not impossible) for a well-funded actor to take control of an entire crypto network.

Cryptocurrency advocates believe that this decentralized structure has many advantages over centralized currency systems because cryptocurrency networks can operate without relying on any trusted intermediary such as a central bank. In place of any centralized authority, miners use large amounts of computational power to operate and maintain the security of a cryptocurrency network.

Environmental Impacts of Cryptocurrency Mining

Calculating the carbon footprint of cryptocurrency is more complicated. Although fossil fuels are the predominant source of energy in most of the countries where cryptocurrency is mined, miners must seek out the most inexpensive sources of energy in order to remain profitable. In many cases, that means relying on new alternative energy installations.

Based on the geographical distribution of the mining hash rate, Based on data through May 27, 2022, Digiconomist estimates that the Bitcoin network is responsible for about 114 million tons of carbon dioxide per year—equal to the amounts generated by the Czech Republic. Based on data through May 27, 2022, mining for Ethereum produces an estimated 48.69 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, the same amount as Bulgaria.

291.79 TWh per year

The combined energy consumption of the Bitcoin (204.50 TWh) and Ethereum (87.29 TWh) networks, according to Digiconomist, based on data through May 27, 2022.

Chinese government banned all crypto mining in 2021, which forced miners to relocate to more fossil-fuel-dependent countries like Kazakhstan and the United States.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge report that most Bitcoin mining—around 38% in Dec. 2021—took place in the U.S., following China’s crypto ban. The U.S. gets most of its electricity by burning fossil fuels, per 2019 data from the EIA. Kazakhstan, another country that gets most of its energy from fossil fuels, accounts for 13% of the world’s Bitcoin mining, as of Dec. 2021. As a result, two countries heavily dependent on fossil fuels are responsible for the majority of the world’s Bitcoin mining.

Cryptocurrency mining also generates a significant amount of electronic waste, as mining hardware quickly becomes obsolete. This is especially true for Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) miners, which are specialized machines designed for mining the most popular cryptocurrencies. According to Digiconomist, the Bitcoin network generates approximately 35 thousand tons of electronic waste every year, based on data through May 27, 2022.

Could Cryptocurrency Mining Use Less Energy?

Large-scale cryptocurrency miners are often located where energy is abundant, reliable, and cheap. But processing cryptocurrency transactions and minting new coins does not need to be energy-intensive.

The proof-of-stake (PoS) method of validating cryptocurrency transactions and minting new coins is an alternative to cryptocurrency mining that does not use extensive computing power. The authority to validate transactions and operate the crypto network is instead granted based on the amount of cryptocurrency that a validator has “staked” or agreed to not trade or sell.

Other methods of validation, such as proof of history, proof of elapsed time, proof of burn, and proof of capacity, are also being developed. While Ethereum developers have stated their goal of retiring from proof-of-work, there is no such objective in the Bitcoin community. That means that mining, along with its enormous energy costs, is likely here to stay.

Investing in cryptocurrencies and other Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”) is highly risky and speculative, and this article is not a recommendation by Investopedia or the writer to invest in cryptocurrencies or other ICOs. Since each individual’s situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein.

Source: https://www.investopedia.com/tech/whats-environmental-impact-cryptocurrency/?utm_campaign=quote-yahoo&utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=referral&yptr=yahoo