FTX Employees Used Company Funds to Buy Homes in the Bahamas

The news will cause unprecedented anger among customers of FTX, which filed for bankruptcy on November 11. 

The cryptocurrency exchange, which was still valued at $32 billion in February, imploded overnight. 

This debacle is spreading to other cryptocurrency exchanges. Regulators have opened investigations. FTX clients and investors began to establish their losses. It is not certain that they will recover their money.

To help them understand what happened, John Ray, the liquidator of energy broker Enron, has just painted a picture of founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s empire and how it worked. This description is an indictment of the Bankman-Fried years and his two associates Zixiao “Gary” Wang and Nishad Singh.

Source: https://www.thestreet.com/investing/cryptocurrency/ftx-employees-used-company-funds-to-buy-homes-in-the-bahamas?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo