With Web3, Brands Have New Opportunities to Connect With Customers. Here’s Why!

There’s no denying that as part of today’s fiercely competitive market, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to build and foster their customer loyalty programs. In this regard, traditional loyalty systems — while effective to a certain degree — often fall short when it comes to creating lasting connections. 

To this point, a McKinsey study found that 58% of all consumers do not use the loyalty programs that they have signed up for. Similarly, another study found that 79.7% of consumers either drop out or do not use at least one of their loyalty programs. Additionally, 22.3% of consumers rarely or never use their loyalty card benefits, citing complexity or uninteresting rewards as a reason for the same. 

This problem is further exacerbated by the fact that 60.2% of customers with a loyalty card also have a loyalty card from a rival firm — thus highlighting a lack of true loyalty towards a single brand​

Web3 and its Potential for Redefining Customer Engagement

To help alleviate many of the bottlenecks outlined above, a growing number of experts have begun to grasp the financial and social proposition put forth by Web3-enabled tech, a digital frontier offering unprecedented opportunities for brands to enhance their customer engagement strategies.

For instance, one of the most significant advantages of Web3 is its decentralized nature. This means that customer data and loyalty transactions are not controlled by a single entity, reducing the risks of data breaches and unauthorized access. Furthermore, the use of a blockchain infrastructure ensures transparency and immutability, thereby fostering trust between brands and their customers. 

As part of most Web3-based loyalty programs, every transaction and customer interaction is recorded on an immutable and decentralized ledger, ensuring that rewards and customer engagements are transparent and tamper-proof. Another critical aspect of Web3 is its focus on user empowerment. In traditional loyalty programs, customer data is often collected and controlled by the brands themselves, sometimes leading to privacy concerns. Web3 shifts this dynamic, giving customers greater control over their data and how it’s used.  

Moreover, Web3 allows for scalability and flexibility as part of loyalty programs. Brands can quickly adapt and scale their programs to meet changing market demands without being constrained by the limitations of centralized systems. This agility is crucial in today’s fast-paced market, where consumer preferences and behaviors are constantly evolving.

A prime example of a project harnessing Web3’s capabilities to revolutionize the realm of loyalty programs is ‘Shping.’ Having started its journey as ‘AuthenticateIt,’ the project has since evolved into a universal rewards platform leveraging the power of direct consumer-brand interactions. To elaborate, Shping’s model eliminates intermediaries, allowing brands to reward consumers directly for product interactions and harnessing first-party data for targeted marketing.

In fact, this novel setup has led Shping to achieve significant milestones over the past year or so. This includes 350,000+ app downloads alongside a high user retention rate. The platform’s integration with global organizations like Coca-Cola further signifies its widespread acceptance and effectiveness. Additionally, its listing on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, has cemented the use of blockchain and crypto as part of the traditional rewards ecosystem.

Lastly, Shping’s universal rewards program caters to multiple brands rather than being limited to a single entity, offering a significant advantage for brands, as they can tap into an established, engaged audience without the need for substantial investment into new technology or infrastructure. Similarly, as far as consumers go, they can access a broader range of rewards without the hassle of managing multiple loyalty programs.

Implementing Web3 into Loyalty Programs and the Future of This Space

For brands poised to venture into the Web3 sector, the journey should start with a foundational grasp of blockchain technology and its potential to elevate their marketing strategies to new heights. Essential steps in this transition involve choosing an appropriate blockchain platform, designing interfaces that prioritize user experience, and ensuring complete transparency in transaction processes and data management.

Thus, as we head to a future driven by decentralized technologies — as highlighted by their growing adoption across various industries — it stands to reason that the future of Web3 and its role in relation to loyalty programs looks extremely promising. And, with continued technological advancements taking place within this space, it is safe to assume that Web3 is poised to revamp today’s customer engagement systems.

Source: https://blockchainreporter.net/with-web3-brands-have-new-opportunities-to-connect-with-customers-heres-why/