What is Aavegotchi? BIG Aavegotchi Updates for 2022 You DON’T Want to Miss!

The world of gaming and NFT has lately witnessed a major wave. Integrating various noteworthy crypto and DeFi projects into the functional world is certainly what crypto investors are looking at. In fact, this is how the forthcoming cryptocurrencies and NFTs are going to shape up, via trial and error. In this article, we’re going to talk about what is Aavegotchi, and updates about the upcoming Gotchiverse Farming. Let’s take a look at it in more detail.

What is Aavegotchi?

Aavegotchi is an NFT game on the blockchain. This game is based on Tamagotchi. Recall those little black and white machines where you used to play and feed your virtual pet? This is precisely what this project is, but integrating NFT into the mix. Aavegotchis are NFTs that users can purchase. Every Aavegotchi is special and has unique attributes. The more periodic the attributes of an Aavegotchi, the more irregular and more beneficial it is.

The aspects of the Aavegotchis can be constantly enhanced during the game. Based on how much time and money users invest in their Aavegotchi, the more occasional it will be. It’s about pushing various interactions with their Aavegotchi. Users can pet it, put on new clothes, feed it or recreate minigames with their Aavegotchi.

Aavegotchis are beneficial as collectibles. Users can continuously get rewards in $GHST with their Aavegotchi. The “rarity farming seasons” occur at periodic breaks. In each round, users can get rewards for the rarity, dedication, and adventure of their Aavegotchis. Ranking indexes are issued for each of the types and based on these ranking indexes, the prizes for each Aavegotchi are specified. The prizes come from the portals traded, clothing objects, and also from all Bazaar sales.

Further components and functionalities will be incorporated in the future. In this manner, a whole metaverse should be completed which users can occupy with their Aavegotchis.