What 11 Predictions are Made for 2024 Regarding AI, Web3, and Tech

AI, Web3, and Tech are involved in every sector nowadays. Some of the below-listed changes are predicted based on their usage and importance.

1. Expanding interoperability

Expanding interoperability between the blockchains in the Web3 space is predicted. The interoperability increases with bridging, which makes it easier for different blockchains to share the technology and enable trades. Thus, enhancing the accessibility and reach from one platform to another.

The introduction of web3-enabled web2 domains is one of the best ways of bridging the gap between web2 and web3. Other web3 innovators find ways to integrate web2 natives in web3 in a user-friendly manner. This is about creating technology that encourages behavior change and avoids resistance. If this is achieved then the potential use cases are limitless.

2. The increasing value of digital identity

The increasing value of digital identity is foreseen as a major need and is expected to be an easy reality in 2024. There is a dearth of identity online. The scammers and hackers are taking advantage of this lack. 

Blockchain-based identity is the solution. Argentina and Brazil are among the first countries to provide blockchain-based national identities while the small island Palau offers a web3 identity to anyone with the small fees. 

Digital identity is not an idea but it’s a way to secure and protect the identity. It also ensures global connectivity. But this is an exciting possibility that will show expansion in 2024.

3. The rise of AI Interactive games

The gaming sector is always on the grow and with the involvement of AI in this sector the potential of this industry is enhanced. With the inclusion of AI, the games have become more interactive. 

Non-technical individuals are now empowered with the personalized experience and the accessibility enhancement for players with disabilities. Now, part-time developers are emerging attracting the attention of many gaming corporations who are ready to expand their market presence.

AI integration within games like Unity and the Unreal engine is not only enhancing creativity but also promoting inclusivity. AI has transformative power in gaming and this is predicted to be on the rise in 2024.

4. Increase Adoption of enterprise AI

 This will drive new blockchain demand for productivity and independence. Enterprise AI means the combination of AI and software to facilitate the needs of the organization. Entrepreneurs are finding all types of ways to include AI to improve their business.

The inclusion of AI will solve problems in the workplace. In 2023 it will serve as the common productivity drainers in the institutions but in 2024 it is expected to provide real time moderation in those corporate sessions. This will save the time of the employees and also the money of companies.

5. Rising AI will drive demand for human touch

No doubt the use of AI will increase in businesses and organizations but along with this human touch or involvement with it will also increase. The famous writer and AI consultant Dr. Natalie Petouhoff wrote that the human touch is required with AI.

AI is best when fast and error-free completion of the work is needed but human touch is required to see whether the work completed serves their goals, needs, and desires.

The SEO goals will also play a role in the future. Will search engines punish the website that publishes the AI-written content? In 2024, the answer to these questions is expected as well.

6. The explosive growth of responsible AI

Responsible AI means there will be no irregularities. Rather on a clearer note with more transparency and fairness. There is an inclusion of lawsuits and corruption in the space.

7. Sustainable IT to grow in global importance

It is expected that the IT companies will be greener in 2024. They will replace the damaging components for the environment with eco-friendly components. Like the company Soarce, which has replaced synthetic textile materials with natural materials like seaweed and nanomaterials.

8. The U.S. election will struggle with deep fakes

Meta and Google updated their ad policies. All political marketing ads will be prohibited. AI is inhibited in these ads to create fake images, videos, and audio. 

Thus, this reduces the authenticity of the platform and the sector for which the ads are used. Hence, guidelines are made to avoid this marketing tactic. This shows the involvement of AI for fake use. This is expected to be prohibited in 2024.

9. Customer obsession strategies to protect and grow profit

Tech companies should listen and give importance to the customer. The profit depends on the number of customers the company is having. In 2021 and 2022, many companies have laid down their employees which in turn have affected the customer experience. This results in the breaking trust of the customer which is also one of the reasons for their business loss.

In 2024, it is predicted that IT companies will focus on building strategies that will lure their customers and this will increase their profit.

10. Rise of women on corporate boards in 2024

An increase in women employees in corporations will be expected. The earlier incident like the EU’s 2022 compulsion of gender equality and the removal of women from the OpenAI board will encourage the compliance-driven approach.

11. Major tech changes for 2024 go beyond tech

All the above points mentioned will affect humans in one way or another. Technologies like ChatGPT, using AI at the workplace will change the way we communicate and look at things. So this will change human behavior. With the use of these technologies, human interactions will be reduced to an extent. 

2024 is a period of tech redefining the digital experience. Hence, the changes are predicted which will redefine the innovation with responsibility and sustainability.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/12/31/what-11-predictions-are-made-for-2024-regarding-ai-web3-and-tech/