Twitch Streamers Can Now Create NFTs And Generate Tokens On XRP Ledger (XRPL)

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Streamers on Twitch may now create their own NFTs and create utility tokens that they can distribute to their followers.

PlayNFT, a platform for minting non-fungible tokens (NFTs), has announced that they are one of the companies to receive funding from RippleX’s XRPL Grants Program. As a result, Twitch streamers can create NFTs on XRPLedger and interact with other gamers and developers to provide their tokens’ utility inside the games. It is expected to be launched later this month.


PlayNFT links NFT holders and NFT creators to the in-game content of blockchain games. Game developers can use this platform to generate content for holders on any supported blockchains.

Streamers on Twitch can now generate digital tokens via the PlayNFT platform, which they can then give to their followers. NFT markets can also use the PlayNFT platform to indicate which NFTs are tied to utility and which aren’t.

Ripple’s XRPL Grants

The Ripple Foundation’s XRPL Grants program provides financial support to software development endeavors using the open-source XRP Ledger (XRPL). XRPL Grants provided a total of $3 million in financing during the second quarter of 2022, distributed to 36 recipients.

The funds are used to support new functionality and the creation of tools that will assist in the tokenization of carbon credit as core NFTs on the XRP Ledger.

The XRPL Grants Program is comprised of many waves of funding. Both Wave 1 and Wave 2 concentrated on non-fungible tokens and federated side chains as their primary areas of attention. Open-source software programmers and developers are the focus of the Wave 3 phase.

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