Top 5 ICOs Set to Skyrocket in 2024 Bull Run: Must-Watch Coins & Symbols


  • Investors are constantly on the lookout for top ICO projects that promise substantial returns, leveraging the advantage of early entry.
  • ICOs, or Initial Coin Offerings, generate significant buzz and capital, offering early adopters the potential for impressive gains.
  • However, with numerous ICOs launching each month and the risk of scams, conducting thorough research on each project is crucial before investing.

Discover the top 5 upcoming ICOs that are set to make waves in the 2024 bull run, featuring BlockDAG, GBTC, TUK, SCOTTY, and SPONGE, and learn about their unique features and potential high returns.

1. BlockDAG: Leading with 30,000x ROI and Beyond

BlockDAG has made remarkable progress through its presale stages, recently entering Batch 15 and raising $34+ million from selling over 10 billion coins, along with an additional $2.6 million from selling over 6068 miners. Since its initial batch, BlockDAG has surged 800%, rising from $0.001 to $0.009 over 15 batches. This impressive growth is driven by its innovative technology and strategic marketing efforts.

The final 45th batch is expected to launch at $0.05, marking a 4900% increase. Post-launch projections suggest a potential 30,000x return on investment, with BlockDAG anticipated to reach $10 by 2025.

2. Green Bitcoin: A Gamified Green Staking Ecosystem

Green Bitcoin’s ICO drop for its $GBTC token offers users rewards for accurately predicting Bitcoin prices. This gamified staking ecosystem allows users to lock $GBTC into smart contracts to make forecasts and earn rewards. With 27% of the supply reserved for rewards over two years, it’s designed as a long-term project. Investors view $GBTC as an intriguing opportunity, anticipating a post-launch supply shortage that could drive prices up for new participants.

3. eTukTuk: Sustainable Transport for Developing Economies

eTukTuk is hosting an ICO to introduce affordable electric vehicle solutions to developing economies. Starting with a three-wheeler EV designed to replace traditional carbon-polluting tuk-tuks, the project aims to launch its first fleet in Sri Lanka in 2024. Additionally, eTukTuk plans to establish a charging infrastructure that rewards $TUK holders as drivers charge their vehicles, presenting a notable ICO opportunity for 2024.

4. Scotty the AI: Combining AI and Meme Coins

Scotty the AI is an exciting ICO that combines artificial intelligence with meme coins, promising significant value and unique utility. The $SCOTTY token aims to redefine crypto security, fraud detection, and risk mitigation through AI-powered products like Scotty Swap for optimized token swaps and Scotty Chat for early market insights. Inspired by the loyal and intelligent Scottish Terrier, Scotty the AI serves its community with advanced AI integration, positioning it as a powerhouse project for the next bull run.

5. Sponge Token: Innovative Stake-to-Bridge Utility

Sponge Token ($SPONGE), a popular meme coin from May 2023, is launching a V2 upgrade with a novel stake-to-bridge utility instead of a traditional ICO. Users can stake V1 $SPONGE to receive V2 $SPONGE, with all V1 tokens permanently locked and liquidity transferred to the new pool. With nearly $30 million deposited in the bridge, investor excitement for the V2 launch is palpable. This upgrade promises to be bigger and better than ever.


To wrap up the top 5 upcoming ICOs, BlockDAG stands out with its exceptional 30,000x ROI potential and 850% growth since inception, projected to reach 4900% upon official launch. Having raised over $32.2 million from the sale of more than 9.6 billion coins, BlockDAG ranks among the top crypto ICOs, making it a compelling choice for investors.

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