SynFutures V3 & Oyster Odyssey: Collect Mystery Box now!

In this article, we’re diving into the much-anticipated launch of SynFutures V3 on the Blast Mainnet, marking a significant milestone in decentralized derivatives trading. With the introduction of the Oyster Odyssey points program and the anticipation of a new token launch, SynFutures is setting a new standard in the crypto derivatives market. Let’s explore the opportunities this launch presents for traders, liquidity providers, and the broader crypto community.

Embracing the Oyster Odyssey: An Enhanced Reward System

The Oyster Odyssey, also known as O_O, is SynFutures’ latest points program designed to amplify user engagement and reward participation. This innovative program offers traders and liquidity providers the chance to earn up to 3x rewards through various activities, including trading and providing liquidity on the platform.

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LP Rewards: Backbone of the Platform

Liquidity providers (LPs), including AMM LPs and makers, are crucial to the ecosystem. In recognition of their contribution, SynFutures has outlined a generous rewards structure:

  1. Blast Points: LPs earn these at the same rate per TVL, maintaining consistent reward generation.
  2. Blast Gold: Allocated 50% to LPs, reinforcing their essential role.
  3. SynFutures O_O Points: LPs receive 50% of the daily emission, incentivizing continuous participation.

Trader Rewards: Fueling Market Dynamics

Traders, or takers, keep the market lively and fluid. The expanded O_O program acknowledges their significance through:

  1. Blast Points and Blast Gold: Similar to LPs, traders are rewarded based on trading volume, promoting an active market environment.
  2. SynFutures O_O Points: Allocated based on trading volume, these points further motivate market participation.
  3. Trading Grand Prix: This competition offers a chance to win a share of a $500,000 prize pool, adding an exciting competitive element.

The Distribution of Blast Awards and O_O Points

Blast Points are distributed hourly, while Blast Gold follows a biweekly schedule, aligning with Blast’s distribution frequency. The SynFutures O_O points snapshot, set for April 9, 2024, will capture all relevant activities, leading to a fair and proportional distribution of rewards.

Acknowledging the loyalty of its V1 and V2 users, SynFutures promises corresponding rewards, ensuring long-term participants are not left behind.

As SynFutures ventures into the Blast ecosystem and refines the O_O program, the team is also exploring the path to a token launch, promising to share details and timelines soon.

SynFutures: A Trailblazer in Decentralized Derivatives Trading

Since its inception in 2021, SynFutures has emerged as a dominant force in the DeFi space, with over $23 billion in total trading volume. The platform’s commitment to security, transparency, and innovation has attracted significant backing from top Web3 investors.

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The Journey to Mainnet: A Testament to Community and Innovation

The transition to the V3 Mainnet on Blast represents a culmination of community feedback and technological advancement, highlighted by the success in the Blast Big Bang competition and the significant activity on the Blast testnet.

How to Participate in the Oyster Odyssey

Participation is straightforward: users can earn points by trading designated pairs, providing liquidity, and inviting friends. The program not only incentivizes active participation but also paves the way for future developments and community growth.

Claiming Mystery Boxes and Earning Points in Oyster Odyssey

Step 1: Register and Connect Your Wallet

Visit the official Oyster Odyssey website at Click on the “Connect Your Wallet” button, select your wallet provider, and follow the prompts to connect. Complete the sign-in process by linking your X account and joining the official Discord channel.

Step 2: Understanding the Points System

Points are awarded for various activities on the platform, such as placing limit orders, providing liquidity, and trading designated pairs. Ensure the pair or pool you are trading or providing liquidity for is marked as “Oyster Odyssey eligible” to earn points.

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Step 3: Placing Limit Orders

Navigate to the trading section and select an eligible asset pair. Place a limit order by specifying the buy or sell price and the amount. Points start accumulating once the order is placed and continue as long as the order remains active and not stale.

Step 4: Providing Liquidity

Go to the liquidity provision section and choose an eligible pool. Add liquidity by specifying the amount. Single-token liquidity provision is available for enhanced capital efficiency. Points are accumulated based on the size and range of your liquidity position.

Step 5: Claiming Mystery Boxes

Upon successful registration, receive one mystery box automatically. Earn additional mystery boxes by inviting friends using your unique referral link. To open a mystery box, navigate to your profile or dashboard and click on the mystery box icon. The points within the box will be added to your total points.

Step 6: Inviting Friends

Share your unique referral link, found on your profile or dashboard. Receive additional points and mystery boxes for each friend who signs up using your link. Special referral links with a boost effect may be available for a limited time, offering extra rewards. Join with this link to join our Squad!

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Step 7: Turning Spins

Participate in activities like trading and liquidity provision to earn spins. Use spins in the Oyster Odyssey interface for a chance at additional points or rewards. Increase the number of spins and potential rewards by locking more assets and reaching higher TVL milestones with your squad.

Step 8: Earning and Using Boosts

Activate boosts to significantly increase the points you earn. Boosts can be obtained through using a boosted referral link or by achieving TVL milestones with your squad.

Additional Tips

Stay updated with the platform for new eligible pairs and pools to maximize your points. Engage with the community and join special events or competitions for extra rewards.

Follow these steps to enhance your participation in the Oyster Odyssey, maximize your points earnings, and enjoy the full benefits of the SynFutures platform.

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The launch of SynFutures V3 on the Blast Mainnet, accompanied by the Oyster Odyssey points program and the anticipation of a new token, signifies a new chapter for the platform and its users. By rewarding participation, fostering transparency, and championing innovation, SynFutures is not just pioneering the future of decentralized derivatives trading but also setting a new standard for the DeFi industry at large. Join the journey and become a part of this exciting new era.

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