Solana Outages May Be Over: Anza Releases Major Fix, SOL Price Holds Steady

  • Solana (SOL) network congestion could soon be a thing of the past as validator client Anza releases a significant fix on the devnet.
  • The upgrade aims to address Solana’s recurring outages, often attributed to the network’s unexpected success and high traffic.
  • Despite recent challenges, the SOL price remains resilient, indicating potential market confidence.

Discover the latest updates on Solana’s outage woes, including Anza’s proposed solution and a potential roadmap inspired by Ethereum’s upgrade strategy.

Anza’s Upgrade Offers Hope for Solana’s Outage Issues

The Solana blockchain may finally overcome its persistent congestion problems, thanks to a major fix released on the devnet by Anza, a key validator client. Anza urges developers to upgrade to version 1.18.11 and begin testing the comprehensive changes designed to enhance network stability.

Understanding Solana’s “Victim of Success” Dilemma

Solana executives have acknowledged that the protocol’s immense popularity has outpaced its original design capacity, leading to occasional outages. Cofounder Anatoly Yakovenko hints at innovative, long-term solutions to optimize the network for its growing user base.

Key Fixes in Anza’s Upgrade

The Anza upgrade includes optimizations for staked vs. non-staked packet management, enhanced filtering, and other critical fixes. Crucially, this release is not yet live on the mainnet, providing developers an opportunity to test and provide feedback before full deployment.

Could Solana Take Cues from Ethereum’s Success?

Ethereum’s reputation for functionality stems from its consistent upgrades, such as Shanghai and Dencun, and the upcoming Electra update focused on security. This rigorous testing and refinement process could serve as a valuable blueprint for Solana to ensure the long-term effectiveness of its fixes.


Anza’s devnet release marks a promising step towards ending the Solana outage saga. If this upgrade proves successful, it could restore confidence and propel Solana’s growth. Market observers will be keenly watching the testing phase and anticipating a potential mainnet launch.

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