SoftBank CEO Sees a Future in AI After Interaction With ChatGPT

SoftBank CEO, Masayoshi Son, has expressed his optimism about the future of AI following a remarkable interaction with ChatGPT, a software chatbot developed by OpenAI.

SoftBank CEO’s Affinity for Technology

While speaking at his annual shareholders’ meeting, Son opened up about his emotional relationship with technology, specifically highlighting his connection with ChatGPT, which he referred to as one of his top advisors. 

Son shared that he had broken down in tears for several days, feeling a sense of unfulfillment regarding his career. Son revealed that he emerged from his period of emotional distress with a newfound clarity about his aspirations. In a Financial Times report, Son expressed a desire to become an “architect” and to design the future of humanity. 

Additionally, Son emphasized his commitment to and active engagement with artificial intelligence (AI) following questions from one shareholder about his recent performance and lack of focus on the new technology. He made it clear that he takes AI seriously and sees it as a crucial tool in designing the future.

Remarkably, SoftBank has previously noted its intentions to enter NFT markets in 180 countries by this year.

Son’s Interaction with ChatGPT

Furthermore, Son revealed his close interaction with AI on a daily basis. He described a unique ideation process with ChatGPT, in which he actively engages with the AI model by pitching ideas and seeking its feedback. This iterative back-and-forth process continues until Son feels that the AI is satisfied with the proposed concept.

He expressed satisfaction and enthusiasm about the iterative feedback loop, stating that after multiple rounds of discussion with ChatGPT, he felt great when his ideas were praised as feasible and wonderful.

At the meeting, Son presented an intriguing slide titled “Society without stoppage from natural disasters.” The image depicted a cityscape illuminated at night, with light bouncing across the tops of buildings. This visual representation aimed to convey SoftBank’s vision of a future where technology mitigates the impact of natural disasters and enables continuous societal operations.

Besides SoftBank, more startups including Polygon Labs are developing a whole new product suite with the help of ChatGPT to better serve users.

Mooky Presale


Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalists who relish writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desires to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain based media and sites. Benjamin Godfrey is a lover of sports and agriculture. Follow him on Twitter, Linkedin

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