$RUBY listed on Coinsbit Exchange

The $RUBY token has been listed and made available for trade on the Coinsbit cryptocurrency exchange just yesterday. Coinsbit, one of Europe’s largest and award-winning crypto exchanges, listed the native $RUBY token to its 1.5 million registered platform users on the 24th of March. 

Coinsbit dropped the news of the two RUBY trading pairs available through its social media accounts, a normal practice of the centralized exchange, with some further trading competitions and bounty events rumored to be in the works. The Coinsbit exchange offering represents the second-largest since Ruby Play Network began its string of listings on March 15th. Coinsbit.io offers 2 trading pairs for $RUBY. Users can buy & sell $RUBY and trade with BNB or USDT pairings.

Ruby is now available to trade on Coinsbit with BNB and USDT pairings open

More on the Coinsbit launch and early indications

Since the listing went live on Coinsbit, about 24 hours ago according to the current time, $RUBY has increased 5% in price. Multiple exchanges and staking platforms are now offering various offers including staking, farming, and $RUBY trading across a variety of markets. The 5% increase does come as a bit of a surprise, certainly being different from the normal trend seen in cryptocurrency.

Typically in these cases the chart reflects the opposite, with many traders known to “sell the news” as projects list crypto tokens on exchanges such as Coinsbit for the very first time. The return of games like Spin2Win and RubySweeper, both currently being reconditioned, could play a part in the continued usage and utility of RUBY, with games that users can play daily and use their RUBY outside of merely buying and selling – seemingly within the next phase of plans for the Ruby Play Network as a whole.

Other Ruby Play Network news

The recent DeFi webinar and live Discord AMA went well for RPN. Ruby Play Network team members went into topics and dialogue relevant to a variety of DeFi-centered discussions and answered specific questions related to RUBY defi options. Further insight and discussion was also added from Ruby Play Network official partner and Crypto advertising agency Coinpresso, also a New Zealand-based and registered company.

Further gaming propositions have already been mentioned from the Ruby Play Network, as the platform focus has been clearly said to be expansion and growth of the gaming partnerships and offerings on RPN now and consistently in the future. Additionally, a transition is being implemented to more consumer-focused messaging, with the emphasis being given to bringing attention to the gaming and other opportunities present on the Ruby Play Network and with its partners. 

Blockchain gaming partner – Strawberry – has provided liquidity to multiple platforms for $RUBY live staking to begin. The XPortal offers staking by Strawberry, with other staking options also being offered on ApeSwap Jungle Farms and ACY Finance respectively – through this cross-purpose partnership.

Next steps for Ruby Play Network

The transition of RUBY tokens to multisig wallets for automation, greater security and transparency, has already begun. The move to the smart protocol-coded wallets allows for tokens allocated to adoption mining and vested tokens to be scheduled and viewed publicly on the blockchain ledger.

The continued growth and collaboration with Strawberry look to be a key motivation for the platform. Strawberry Sweeps social casino pays out in BTC, USDT and Ethereum, with players also being rewarded in $RUBY in exchange for time in play. The Strawberry social casino is due to be rolled out to further regions and markets in the near future, providing some further gaming utility to wider Ruby Play Network users.

The adoption mining model has seen an increase in usage on the network, with traffic to the platform up 50 times compared to 4 months ago. How the platform leverages and engages with this user base is where the success will lie going forward. Keep up-to-date with all things $RUBY via the Twitter, Telegram and Discord channels.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubyPlayNetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/RPNDiscuss_Public

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dr3tntuwNh 

Media Contact
Brendan Brown

[email protected]

Disclaimer: This is a paid post and should not be treated as news/advice.

Source: https://ambcrypto.com/ruby-listed-on-coinsbit-exchange/