Polkadot (DOT) Embraces AI, Here Are Its Latest Engagements

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Godfrey Benjamin

Polkadot makes important pivot and is all in backing AI-based start-ups in its ecosystem

Polkadot (DOT) is maintaining quite a vibrant ecosystem and is taking a bold detour from its peers with its focus on artificial intelligence (AI). As unveiled by the proof-of-stake (POS) blockchain protocol, there has been significant growth in its ecosystem with respect to its AI advances.

Considering the fact that AI, like crypto, is still in its early stages, there has been a lot of misinformation going on. Riding on this, Polkadot highlights the role of Origin Trail, a decentralized knowledge graph that enables a universe of AI-ready knowledge assets, allowing anyone to take part in trusted knowledge sharing.

The emergence of Origin Trail will notably help secure the foundation of AI on Polkadot, Web3.0 and the broader tech world. The capacity of Origin Trail is currently being tested across the board with the likes of founder and CTO Branimir Rakic presenting an AI-powered semantic search with the protocol’s knowledge assets at the Polkadot Decoded event last week.

The Polkadot protocol is positioning itself at the forefront of DAO-based innovation in the blockchain world as it looks to pioneer a number of key ecosystem niches across the board.

Polkadot as pace setter

All blockchain protocols are unique in their own right; however, Polkadot operates a somewhat unique model as it permits the growth of parachains with capabilities to host decentralized applications and smart contracts.

Some of the top parachains include Astar Network and Moonbeam. These two protocols have been making notable headlines in the industry thus far this year, including the partnership Astar Network inked with automobile giant Toyota to host a talent hackathon back in February of this year.

For Polkadot, the dive toward AI is in a bid to support an industry that many have projected will be greatly interwoven with crypto in the near future.

Source: https://u.today/polkadot-dot-embraces-ai-here-are-its-latest-engagements