Ore creator proposes rewards to tackle Solana congestion

Hardhat Chad clarified that he isn’t looking for funds from the foundation; his goal for Ore is to establish a currency, not develop testnet tools.

Hardhat Chad, the pseudonymous creator of the Ore project, has suggested that the Solana Foundation offer a reward if it intends to incentivize testnet activity.

This suggestion comes after the Solana network faced congestion issues for nearly a week with a transaction failure rate as high as 75%.

In a post on the X social platform, Hardhat Chad said that if Solana blockchain platform wishes to encourage users to participate in testnet activities, such as testing new features or protocols, the Solana Foundation should provide an incentive in the form of SOL (SOL) tokens.

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Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ore-creator-incentives-tackle-solana-congestion