Linea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than Arbitrum

The zkEVM-Linea expansion solution is backed by ConsenSys and is being compared in terms of potential to zkSync and Polygon zkEVM. Let’s consider with Coincu the potential of participating early in this project through this Linea Airdrop Guide article.
Linea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than ArbitrumLinea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than Arbitrum

What is Linea?

Linea was originally sponsored by ConsenSys, a renowned blockchain technology company known for its involvement in various Ethereum projects such as MetaMask and Infura. Linea harnesses zkRollup technology to accelerate and optimize transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

This transformative milestone, which occurred on March 28, 2023, saw ConsenSys zkEVM transition into the new identity of Linea. The rebranding effort underscores Linea’s considerable potential, amplified by the backing of the expansive ConsenSys empire.

One of the key innovations introduced by Linea is its customized zkEVM (Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine), a refined and optimized version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The zkEVM brings notable improvements in performance and cost-efficiency, particularly when executing smart contracts on the Linea platform. This enhancement is a significant leap forward, offering users advanced features and scalability for Ethereum’s transaction layer.

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What’s particularly impressive about Linea’s journey is that, despite being a relatively young Layer 2 startup, it has already achieved the remarkable feat of processing over 50 million transactions on its network. These numbers serve as compelling testimony to their success, showcasing the platform’s capacity to handle a substantial transaction load.

Looking ahead, ConsenSys has ambitious plans to further amplify Linea’s impact by ensuring cross-compatibility with other well-established Ethereum tools such as MetaMask and Truffle. These strategic partnerships are poised to open up new avenues for Linea, making it an even more accessible and versatile Layer 2 solution for Ethereum enthusiasts.

Check out our LayerZero Airdrop Guide article for another highly anticipated token airdrop.

What breakthroughs does Linea have?

Enhanced Compatibility with zkEVM Type 2

Linea is set to follow the development of zkEVM Type 2, a move that ensures compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) at the virtual server level. The structure closely resembles the EVM, with minor internal modifications aimed at simplifying development and expediting evidence generation. However, it’s worth noting that despite these efforts, some applications in this category may still face compatibility challenges.

Low Fees and Lightning-Fast Transactions

As a zkRollup platform, Linea promises users lightning-fast transaction speeds and remarkably low transaction fees. It is expected to be 100 to 1,000 times more cost-effective and quicker for users, making it an appealing choice for those seeking efficient and affordable blockchain solutions.

EVM Equivalent and Ethereum Compatibility

Linea brings Ethereum compatibility to developers, allowing for easy migration and the development of multichain solutions from Ethereum or other EVM-based blockchains. This seamless transition empowers developers to leverage their existing knowledge and skills on the Linea platform.

Security and Decentralization

Positioned as a Layer 2 solution on the Ethereum network, Linea inherits the robust security and decentralization attributes associated with Ethereum. This ensures the safety and trustworthiness of transactions and smart contracts executed on the Linea network.

Next-Generation Scalability

Linea is set to deliver even greater scalability to its users through next-generation zk proofs. This innovation will further enhance the platform’s ability to handle a vast number of transactions efficiently, meeting the demands of a growing ecosystem.

The Strong Backing of ConsenSys

ConsenSys, a prominent player in the crypto industry, is known for its diverse product offerings, with MetaMask wallet being a standout example of its popular applications. With unwavering support from an experienced and well-funded team like ConsenSys, Linea is poised to compete strongly in the zkEVM arena, bringing innovation and stability to the forefront.

Zero Conversion Costs

With the transition to Linea, users will experience limitless scalability while still having access to fully-featured EVM-equivalent applications, tools, and infrastructure. Developers can effortlessly build decentralized applications (dApps) on zkEVM and migrate existing dApps without the need for extensive code changes or smart contract rewrites. Linea’s highly composable design ensures smooth interaction with all other EVM-based dApps, enabling swift communication between them. Notably, Linea relies on ETH as gas and does not depend on third-party transcoders or custom middleware, simplifying the user experience.

Developer-Friendly Ecosystem

Linea prioritizes developer-friendliness with seamless integration opportunities with ConsenSys products, such as:

  • MetaMask: Direct integration with dApps developed on Linea.
  • Infura: Access to APIs from Infura to expedite dApp development and scaling with a remarkable 99.9% uptime reliability.
  • Truffle: A robust tool for developers, facilitating the building, testing, debugging, and deployment of smart contracts on zkEVM.
  • Besu: An optimized execution engine for zkEVM transactions using Ethereum’s battle-tested infrastructure.
Linea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than ArbitrumLinea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than Arbitrum

Linea airdrop potential

In the ever-evolving landscape of Layer 2 solutions for the Ethereum network, the concept of “airdropping” tokens has gained significant momentum, with projects like Optimism and Arbitrum setting the trend.

These Layer 2 platforms have been distributing tokens to wallet addresses that have contributed to the ecosystem, and the amounts in question have ranged from several hundred to several thousand USD, creating a fever for airdrop events, particularly among projects employing ZK-Rollups.

While Starknet and zkSync remain two of the most prominent ZK-Rollups projects, there are other notable contenders on the horizon, such as Scroll, Taiko, and the noteworthy Linea, supported by ConsenSys.

Users in the crypto space often humorously say, “Raise more funds, potential airdrop,” implying that projects with substantial capital have the freedom to generously airdrop tokens to users. Indeed, the above-mentioned Layer 2 projects have secured significant funding, as evidenced by the following figures:

  • Optimism: $178.5 million
  • Offchain Labs (Arbitrum Development Unit): $123.7 million
  • StarkWare Industries (Starknet construction unit): $273 million
  • Matter Labs (zkSync Development Unit): $458 million
  • ConsenSys (Linea development unit): $726.7 million

These substantial capital investments position Linea in a unique place, not only owing to its technical capabilities derived from the ConsenSys team but also its ample financial resources. However, it’s worth noting that many of the other companies primarily concentrate on their Layer 2 products, while ConsenSys boasts a diverse product portfolio related to Ethereum and the broader blockchain industry, which may lead to a dispersion of the mentioned capital.

Nothing has been verified, as with most airdrops. Linea’s official documentation makes no mention of a token, however, there are indications about paying developers for contributing to the ecosystem.

However, if there is an airdrop, it could be massive. Consensys has raised $450 million, prompting speculation that Linea airdrop may be the largest possible airdrops ever.

How to get Linea airdrop

With the mainnet going live, users now have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Linea ecosystem and position themselves for potential airdrops, retroactives, or early discoveries.

For those seeking to maximize their chances of being eligible for these exciting opportunities, we highly recommend engaging in regular transactions on the Linea mainnet. Whether it’s a monthly or weekly endeavor, maintaining an active presence within the Linea ecosystem can significantly boost your prospects. By participating in transactions, users not only contribute to the network’s vibrancy but also stand a chance to benefit from the rewards and hidden gems that may emerge in the early stages.

Linea airdrop guide

Transfer assets to the Linea network

To get started, the first essential step is to transfer funds to the Linea blockchain. Here, we’ll walk you through three accessible methods for bridging your assets to Linea:

Linea Bridge

The Linea team offers an official bridge that facilitates the transfer of funds to the Linea network. To get started with this method, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Visit the official Linea bridge at
  • Step 2: Connect your wallet to the platform.
  • Step 3: Specify the amount of ETH you wish to bridge and opt for ‘Automatic Claiming.’
  • Step 4: Click ‘Start Bridging’ to initiate the transfer of ETH from the Ethereum Mainnet to Linea.
Linea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than ArbitrumLinea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than Arbitrum

Please note that this transaction may incur a moderate gas fee, as is typical for blockchain transactions. However, there are alternative bridging solutions available that offer similar services at a fraction of the cost.

Orbiter Finance

Orbiter Finance has become a familiar name to those who have participated in airdrops on Arbitrum, LayerZero, or zkSync. This versatile bridge enables the swift and cost-effective transfer of tokens from various blockchains to Linea. Here’s how to use Orbiter Finance:

  • Step 1: Access Orbiter Finance via their platform.
  • Step 2: Connect your Metamask wallet and select the blockchain from which you’d like to send tokens.
  • Step 3: Specify the amount of ETH you wish to transfer and click ‘Send.’
Linea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than ArbitrumLinea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than Arbitrum

By utilizing Orbiter Finance, you not only benefit from efficient token transfers but also open the door to potential airdrops offered by the project. Bridge

Another reliable option for bridging assets to Linea is the Bridge. Developed by the project, this bridge supports asset transfers from various blockchains in a swift and user-friendly manner. Here’s how to get started with Bridge:

  • Step 1: Visit and connect your MetaMask wallet.
  • Step 2: Create an account on, if required.
  • Step 3: In the ‘Deposit’ section, select the blockchain from which you want to send tokens and specify the amount of ETH you wish to transfer to Linea. Then, click ‘Deposit’ and approve the token in your wallet to initiate the ETH bridge to the Linea blockchain.
  • Step 4: In the ‘Withdrawal’ section, select Linea, specify the ETH amount, and click ‘Continue’ to receive ETH on the Linea blockchain.

These three methods provide a user-friendly and efficient way to bridge your assets to the Linea blockchain. By following these steps, you’ll position yourself to explore and engage with the growing Linea ecosystem, potentially unlocking exciting opportunities and rewards.

Using Linea DEXs


SyncSwap provides a versatile platform for swapping token pairs. Whether you’re interested in trading ETH for ceBUSD, WETH, or ceBNB, SyncSwap facilitates seamless exchanges. Additionally, you can further enhance your interaction with the project by adding liquidity. For those eager to dive into the world of DeFi, SyncSwap is a promising choice.


Symbiosis, while currently limited to the ETH-WETH pair, promises to expand its support for more token pairs in the near future. As this platform evolves, users can look forward to a broader selection of trading opportunities.


EchoDex offers users the ability to swap between a variety of token pairs, including ETH-ceBUSD, ETH-ECP, and ETH-ceMATIC. It’s essential to note that EchoDex is a relatively new project, and as with any emerging DeFi platform, there may be associated risks. To mitigate potential risks, it’s advisable to approve only a small amount of tokens for swapping, rather than exposing an unlimited amount from your wallet.


HorizonDEX is a platform that enables swaps between token pairs such as ETH-WETH, ETH-BUSD, ETH-deUSDC, and ETH-deUSDT. With a diverse range of options, users can explore various trading strategies and asset combinations.

Buy an NFT on Linea ecosystem

Bilinear NFT Marketplace

If NFTs are your passion, Bilinear NFT Marketplace offers a captivating experience. Here, you can buy and sell NFTs listed on the platform, or even create your own collection to showcase and sell your unique digital assets. Immerse yourself in the world of digital art and collectibles with Bilinear.

Zonic NFT Marketplace

Connect to Zonic

Begin your journey by visiting
Connect your wallet to the Zonic platform, ensuring you have the necessary access to participate in the marketplace.

Explore Linea NFTs

Click on ‘Explore’ within the Zonic platform.
Locate and tap on the Linea icon. This step will lead you to the captivating world of Linea NFTs, where unique digital assets await your discovery.

Acquire NFTs

Embrace the opportunity to own a piece of the blockchain art world. You can acquire any NFTs of your choice from the Linea NFT collection.
Remarkably, Zonic offers a wide array of collections, and you can find NFTs priced under $1. This means you can dive into the NFT space without breaking the bank.

Optional: List Your NFTs for Sale

If you’re feeling inspired and wish to share your own NFT creations or collections, you have the option to list them for sale on the Zonic platform. This opens up possibilities for you to engage with the broader NFT community.

Linea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than ArbitrumLinea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than Arbitrum

Register a Linea Domain Name

If you’re looking to add a unique touch to your presence within the Linea ecosystem, registering a Linea domain name is a fantastic option. Much like Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains, Linea Name Service provides a means to claim your own distinctive domain. While this step is optional, it offers a personalized touch to your Linea experience. Follow these simple steps to secure your Linea domain name:

Step 1: Connect to Linea Name Service

  • Start by visiting the Linea Name Service platform at
  • Connect your wallet to the platform. This connection is essential to facilitate the registration process.

Step 2: Search for Your Desired Domain Name

  • Once you’ve connected your wallet, use the platform’s search feature to explore available domain names.
  • Input your preferred domain name into the search bar and initiate the search. The system will quickly inform you about the availability of your chosen name.

Step 3: Register Your Domain

  • If you find a domain name that resonates with you and is available, it’s time to claim it.
  • Follow the registration process and complete the necessary steps. The registration fee is 0.0026 ETH, and remember that gas fees may apply, which is common in blockchain transactions.
Linea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than ArbitrumLinea Airdrop Guide: Huge Potential 5 Times Greater Than Arbitrum

Conclusion of Linea Airdrop Guide

Because Linea is just mainnet, its ecosystem is still very new, there may be many scam projects, rug pulling users so everyone needs to be careful. Through the article Linea Airdrop Guide, Coincu introduced and guided you to experience the Linea ecosystem to have the opportunity to receive the project’s Airdrop.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.
