IndexGPT Trademark Offers JPMorgan Chase A Competitive Edge In Generative AI

Table of contents

  1. JPMorgan to test artificial intelligence in customer interactions ‘Intelligent of its Chief’
  2. Apple to limit use of Microsoft’s Copilot as it ponders security

JPMorgan Chase, a major player in the financial services industry, has entered the race to develop a generative AI tool for business use by submitting a trademark application for IndexGPT.

JPMorgan submitted a trademark application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the characters “IndexGPT.” JPMorgan claims that the trademark will be used in commerce.

JPMorgan to test artificial intelligence in customer interactions ‘Intelligent of its Chief’

JPMorgan’s brand name recording is intelligent of the considerations of its Chief Jamie Dimon on artificial intelligence (AI). In April, Dimon uncovered that the organization has north of 300 artificial intelligence use cases underway for risk, prospecting, advertising, client experience and extortion counteraction. Using ChatGPT and other tools for large language models, JPMorgan intends to empower its employees.

While tech goliaths across all business verticals are optimizing their direction into taking on generative AIs, Apple took a U-turn by limiting the utilization of ChatGPT and comparable devices.

Apple to limit use of Microsoft’s Copilot as it ponders security

Apple’s concerns about the possibility of sensitive data being compromised were revealed in an internal document. While featuring the feelings of dread of uncovering private information, Apple likewise explicitly confined the utilization of GitHub’s simulated intelligence device Copilot, a Microsoft-possessed application that robotizes composing programming code.
