Hoskinson Fires Back at Critic for Demeaning the Cardano Network

  • Charles Hoskinson said Hydra protocol on the Cardano mainnet is live and evolving fast.
  • According to Hoskinson, besides Hydra, Mithril is also live and functioning.
  • The Cardano founder said his team already designed a better way of handling transactions.

Charles Hoskinson, Cardano founder, has said that the Hydra protocol on the Cardano mainnet is live and evolving fast. Hoskinson tweeted this while responding to one of the Cardano critics who thinks the Hydra project is unsustainable. Hoskinson noted that besides Hydra, Mithril is also live and functioning.

According to Hoskinson, the Cardano team already designed a significantly better way of handling transactions via tiered pricing and Babel fees. He further noted that there has been a roll-up strategy since they conceived Midnight four years ago. The plan entails that protocols and primitives on Cardano had to catch up and are getting there.

Hoskinson, known for his criticism of the Ethereum blockchain, said Ethereum has a dumpster fire of a consensus layer, has a terrible programming model that it can’t change, and is getting eaten alive by its layer-two ecosystem. He compared it to Cardano, saying that Cardano’s sidechain plans mutually benefit both Cardano and the sidechain.

A Cardano critic, who predicted a struggling future for Cardano, triggered Hoskinson’s outburst. The critic projected Hoskinson would fall back to Ethereum for solutions to issues the Cardano network would encounter. According to the critic identified as 0xONLY.arf on Twitter, Cardano follows a similar roadmap to Ethereum and is just a few years behind.

0xONLY.arf said Hoskinson would stop talking about Hydra in the next six months and implement some of Ethereum’s features. According to the Cardano critic, Hoskinson would implement fee markets, a fixed finality gadget, data availability, rollups and proof architecture, account abstraction and Babel fees, and a form of EIP1559 to align economic sustainability.

The critic promised that Hoskinson would spin the process by calling it Cardano 2.0, or use some superlative descriptions to avoid direct comparisons with Ethereum.

Source: https://coinedition.com/hoskinson-fires-back-at-critic-for-demeaning-the-cardano-network/