Grok Identifies Occasions Ripple Executives Suggested XRP as Global Reserve Currency

Grok, the AI chatbot developed by Elon Musk’s team, has identified instances where executives from Ripple have promoted XRP as a prospective global reserve currency.

In a recent post, the pro-XRP influencer behind the X account “Digital Asset Investor” shared a screenshot of a conversation featuring Grok’s responses regarding XRP in the context of reserve currency.

The influencer remarked that his investment in XRP has always been its potential as a global reserve currency. He noted that he is not chasing green candles or the next pump. Instead, he is focused on not missing out on significant opportunities.

Per the shared screenshot, the Elon Musk AI tool asserted that Ripple executives have referred to XRP as a potential global reserve currency on several occasions.

Grok’s Cited Examples

Grok quoted statements Ripple’s CEO Brad Garlinghouse made during a 2017 interview with CNBC. The AI quoted it thus:

“I think the role of a digital asset like XRP is really to be a bridge currency, to enable a tremendous amount of efficiency and really allow the globalization of payments in a way that has never been done before.”

Similarly, the AI tool referenced a 2018 interview with Bloomberg in which Garlinghouse discussed the long-term value proposition of XRP. Essentially, he underscored XRP’s substantial utility in tackling a multi-trillion-dollar problem.

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Furthermore, Grok claimed Ripple’s chairman, Chris Larsen, had said XRP stands out as the only digital asset with a distinct institutional use case.

Also, it claimed Larsen similarly emphasized XRP’s purpose in addressing the multi-trillion-dollar challenges inherent in global payments. 

Moreover, Grok claimed that during a 2018 interview with CNBC, Larsen expressed the belief that XRP has a genuine opportunity to become a global digital currency utilized by both financial institutions and consumers.

Grok’s final reference was to Asheesh Birla, Ripple’s former senior vice president for product, now a board member. Specifically, it pointed out that Birla had emphasized XRP’s unique position to address a multi-trillion-dollar problem. 

It is worth mentioning that while Ripple’s executives may have conveyed similar concepts during those interviews, the exact wording may not have aligned precisely with how the AI tool quoted them.

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