Federal Reserve lists CBDCs as one of 7 ‘key duties’ to Congress

“If you don’t think the Fed is pursuing a CBDC, think again,” said U.S. Representative Tom Emmer.

A United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) is apparently still a top priority for the Federal Reserve, according to U.S. Representative and CBDC opponent Tom Emmer.

“If you don’t think the Fed is pursuing a CBDC, think again,” wrote Emmer in a March 14 post on X, sharing a document that was reportedly given to his staff during a Federal Reserve presentation to Congress.

Only a week earlier during a March 7 hearing before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stressed the U.S. is “nowhere near” recommending or adopting a CBDC “in any form.”

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Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/federal-reserve-cbdc-key-duties-congress