ENS data from Etherscan now visible in Google search results

The displayed result showed the address particulars, such as Ether balance and the time of the latest transaction, all collected by Etherscan.

Tech giant Google has integrated Ethereum Name Service (ENS) data into its search results through data available from Etherscan.

A former ENS core team member, Brantly Millegan, noticed the update and posted the news on X. Cointelegraph confirmed the feature by testing it with several ENS addresses, including Vitalik.eth, an address belonging to Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of the Ethereum blockchain network.

The displayed result showed the address particulars, such as Ether (ETH) balance and the time of the latest transaction. The data is collected from Ethereum block explorer Etherscan.

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Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ens-data-etherscan-visible-google-search