‘Doomsday Clock’ calls AI existential threat, “disruptive technology” to humankind

AI joins nuclear threats and climate change as a key concern on the Doomsday Clock, highlighting its potential global impact and risks.

The infamous Doomsday Clock was updated on Jan. 23 by atomic scientists to reflect the planet’s imminent danger, set only 90 seconds from midnight due to an array of factors, including artificial intelligence (AI). 

The clock is set based on “existential risks” to the planet and humankind, which include nuclear threats, climate change and disruptive technologies. Midnight on the clock represents an “apocalyptic” state. Therefore, the 90-second mark is deemed “a moment of historic danger.”

It mentions the corruption of information enabled by AI as a potentially important factor in preventing the world from dealing with other urgent threats, along with AI increasingly being used by the military and information operations.

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Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/doomsday-clock-calls-ai-existential-threat-disruptive-technology-humankind