Creating Job Opportunities for Skilled Tech Professionals

Web3 has emerged as an innovation in the ever-evolving space of technology, breaking the traditional professional boundaries for tech enthusiasts. It introduces several new opportunities for professionals in the technology space. 

Web3 is not just a sequel to Web2. Conversely, it is a complete reformation of the digital landscape. Web2 is a “read-only” web portal characterized by static content consumption. Web3, on the other hand, enters the era of a “read-write” web portal. Here, users are converted from passive recipients to active contributors.

Benefits of a Career in the Web3

Exciting Remuneration

This space rewards the talent with great salaries. The average annual wage for a Web3 developer can range from $127k to $200k. Variations in remuneration are based on factors, such as programming language prowess, technological expertise, geographical location, experience levels, and seniority. 

Explosive Job Growth

The demand for skilled professionals has increased with the growth of the digital era. Jobs in Web3 increased by approximately 395% in 2020 and 2021. This space offers diverse roles, from blockchain developers to decentralized application architects. The array of roles is as diverse according to the skills they require.

Developing Valuable Culture

Younger generations seek meaning and belongingness in their work, and the Web 3.0 industry fortunately offers more than they demand. These exciting offerings encouraged around 4.4 million American technical enthusiasts to learn new skills, leaving their conventional jobs. 

Engaging the Metaverse

Web3 is intrinsically linked to Metaverse, a digital interface dedicated to redefining the way of living, working, and playing. 

Gartner has forecasted that 25% of consumers will dedicate at least an hour daily to the Metaverse by 2026. They might use Metaverse for any purpose, including work, shopping, education, socializing, entertainment, and more.

Top Web3 Career Opportunities

Skilled personnel can expect a range of new career opportunities in web3, which include the following:

Blockchain Developer

It is the most in-demand role in Web 3. Blockchain developers will be responsible for developing blockchain applications as well as managing them. The developer must have solid coding skills and experience in cryptography to perform well. 

Furthermore, the developer needs to be well-versed in the blockchain network he/she works on, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.

The roles of the blockchain developer include smart contract development, blockchain integration, security enhancement, performance optimization, and research and innovation. 

Blockchain Architect

Demands for these professionals are soaring in the Web3 era. Technology-based businesses are racing to adopt blockchain technology. They need skilled people to design and build blockchain applications to outpace competitors. 

The designers need to understand the workings of blockchain. Besides, they should be able to convert business requirements into technical designs.

Blockchain architects will work on system design, consensus algorithms, interoperability, scalability planning, and technical leadership.

Decentralized Application (dApp) Developer

They are responsible for developing applications that run on a decentralized network. A dApp developer should know coding languages like Java, JavaScript, or Solidity. Demands for dApp developers will grow with the growing popularity of dApps.

Their roles include front-end development, blockchain logic integration, user experience enhancement, and decentralized storage integration. 

Solidity Developer

They are responsible for writing code in the Solidity programming language. It is a contract-oriented, high-level language for writing smart contracts. 

The roles include smart contract developer, blockchain integrator, security measurer, and upgrade manager.

Smart Contract developer

The work of a smart contract developer is to develop and manage contracts. A developer must be experienced in coding languages like Solidity, Java, or Python.

The roles of smart contract developers are code translation, security assurance, data orchestration, and interoperability expertise.

Metaverse Developer

They develop and manage applications using the Metaverse blockchain and are experienced in coding languages, such as Java and JavaScript, and blockchain technology. Developers who can create dApps with virtual experiences for the users are in high demand.

The roles include virtual world crafting, blockchain integration, avatar and asset creation, and augmented/virtual reality pioneering.

Conclusion: Building a Career in Web3

The process of building a career in Web3 can be both exciting and challenging. It rewards all worthy professionals. The dynamic space of blockchain and decentralization offers opportunities for beginners and professionals. 


What are the other job roles growing with the development of Web3?

Other job roles include UI/UX designers, graphic designers, content writers, community managers, data engineers, and research analysts.

What are the tools required to develop smart contracts?

The tools include Remix IDE, Truffle Suite, Metamask, oracle and libraries.

What can users do to keep up with new trends in the industry?

A user is advised to attend Web3 conferences, meetups, online communities and forums.
