Characteristics and peculiarities of the electronic signature


The development of the digital and IT sector in recent years has enabled experts in the field to develop viable alternatives to common, everyday activities. A practical example is the introduction and spread of electronic signatures in several fields. 

This digital tool is essential for remote business bureaucracy, especially at a time in history when the spread of smart working has shifted work from offices to homes. 

Moreover, thanks to this service, it is also possible to reduce the environmental impact in terms of paper consumption and the like., a leader in the field of electronic signatures, is one of the most reputable companies in the sector.

The different types of electronic signatures

As with most products that are designed to meet a specific need, there are different types of electronic signatures with different characteristics. Specifically, there are three types of electronic signature: simple, advanced and qualified. 

Simple signature

The first difference to be noted is clearly related to the direct validity and the level of security. The simple variant clearly includes all the most basic forms in this field, which in any case are widely used in the business context

The reason why they are considered simple is that they have quite different shortcomings in terms of legal validity and recognition. A simple electronic signature may have a basic or incidental use, but it certainly cannot be used in more important contexts. 

Advanced signature

Advanced signatures have a number of new features and benefits for businesses and companies. First of all, it is equipped with an OTP code recognition system. This is possible thanks to specific software that has enabled various companies to overcome bureaucratic obstacles linked to this type of operation. 

It is important to emphasize that this valid alternative to the classic signature has recently been imported in Italy by, a platform increasingly established in the context of electronic signatures recognized and valid according to European standards

Qualified signature

Finally, let’s clarify the main characteristics of the qualified electronic signature: it is the most performing and secure variant from the point of view of protecting privacy and the digital identity of individuals. 

Clearly, given that the system is so elaborate from the point of view of security and legal recognition, its costs are much higher than the previously mentioned alternatives.

Security criteria

As mentioned above, the different types of electronic signatures have rather variable security criteria and characteristics. Most simple signatures can also have a pseudo-legal value, but the security values of the persons concerned are particularly low. 

The most commonly used version in the business environment is the qualified signature. This type of electronic signature is closest in value to an official signature. Specifically, the security values are formalized by the presence of guarantees established by the certification authorities.

In Italy, for example, this task is carried out by the AGD. Going into the details of the acceptance and identity verification procedure, an efficient system must guarantee the possibility of linking the signature to a quick and direct check of the signatory’s identity in order to preserve corporate security in bureaucratic contexts. 

In addition, the signature key must be stored in software that guarantees maximum confidentiality. In this sense, it is necessary to emphasize how is a leader in terms of guarantees in terms of efficiency, competence and security.

Concrete advantages of electronic signatures

There are several obvious reasons why a format such as the electronic signature has been widely used in the business environment. First of all, there is the actual reduction in costs, not only in terms of bureaucratic management but above all in terms of corporate sustainability. 

Reducing paper consumption to the benefit of smooth transactions is an added value that certainly deserves to be emphasized. Moreover, signing a document digitally provides a series of security guarantees that traditional signatures cannot provide

Specifically, a qualified electronic signature has a digital key that can be stored on software that protects the privacy and security of the persons involved. Qualified electronic signatures are also valid from a legal point of view and their duration is strictly linked to the terms and conditions laid down both by the relevant laws and by the platform providing the service. 

By consulting the website, digitally signing a document, it is possible to get an idea of the various possibilities offered by the company and above all to see what the different variants and peculiarities are.

How to choose the type of signature according to the security codes

If the need is to find an electronic signature with specific characteristics from the point of view of security, it is essential to examine and know how the different security codes work

The most commonly used variants are the previously mentioned OTP code with the use of two-factor authentication. The latter has become very popular on the Internet in recent times thanks to the very high level of security it provides. 

With dual authentication, it is necessary to enter two different keys in order not only to be recognized by the platform in question, but also to be able to use the protected data. Clearly, it is also a very useful tool in the recovery phase where some credentials or keys have been forgotten or lost. 

Two-factor authentication is the most widely used OTP system in terms of security, especially using the SMS system, which is among the most reliable in terms of data protection. In fact, while other sources of information such as email and the like are more attackable, this form of OTP via text message is much more complex to attack.
