BNB Chain Launches Layer 2 Solution Testnet: Details

BNB Chain has announced the release of Layer 2 testnet opBNB, based on Optimism’s OP Stack. On its official website, details on opBNB and its functionality have been revealed.

opBNB is designed to be a high-performance Layer 2 solution within the BNB ecosystem, expected to deliver lower fees and higher throughput. opBNB is EVM-compatible and boasts native integration with the BNB ecosystem.

Representing a BNB native token-driven economy, opBNB’s modular design is powered by OP Stack, the open-source software on which Optimism blockchain is based.

OpBNB’s gas fees will remain stable and inexpensive, leveraging its block size. Developers anticipate it to be a great solution for widespread adoption across multiple digital environments, such as gaming, decentralized exchanges, daily use and digital collectibles.

Utility for gaming applications

Typically, gamers look for highly responsive experiences. Blockchain-based games must have fast transaction speeds and throughput to provide a seamless user experience.

Players anticipate the instantaneous transfer of assets, currencies and other in-game items; any delays caused by problems with the underlying blockchain network may render the game unplayable.

The ideal scenario, according to developers, is for BSC to act as a secure settlement layer and for OpBNB to serve as a dedicated high-performance ledger for gaming applications.

According to this model, gaming-related transactions and interactions will take place directly on OpBNB and will cater to the unique requirements of gaming workloads, optimized for quick transaction finality and supported by gaming-specific features or customizations.

On the other hand, BSC will serve as a strong settlement layer to finalize transactions and ensure security.
