Avalanche (AVAX) Price Soars 12% on Amazon Partnership

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Alex Dovbnya

This collaboration between Ava Lab and AWS looks to further democratize access to blockchain technology in order to facilitate adoption by businesses, institutions and governments around the world

The price of Avalanche (AVAX) has surged more than 12%, outperforming the rest of the crypto market. 

Earlier today, Ava Labs and Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a strategic partnership to accelerate enterprise, institutional, and government adoption of blockchain applications. 

Under the agreement, AWS will support Avalanche’s infrastructure and decentralized application ecosystem through its marketplace in over 100 countries.

Ava Labs has also become a member of the Amazon Partner Network (APN), giving customers access to its custom offerings on the AWS platform.

Furthermore, Ava Labs is looking to add its subnet deployment as a managed service on the AWS marketplace so that both individuals and institutions can create custom networks with just a few clicks.

Ava Labs and AWS have also committed to facilitating events for entrepreneurs and developers such as hackathons, summits and educational initiatives that make it possible for even not-so-tech-savvy individuals to build on Avalanche, further strengthening the network’s reach and efficacy within the blockchain sector.

Source: https://u.today/avalanche-avax-price-soars-12-on-amazon-partnership