Aark Digital DEX integrates FRAX, volumes rise

Aark Digital, a perpetual decentralized exchange (DEX) platform, has integrated FRAX as collateral for users, unlocking more value for holders. 

The move seeks to provide new opportunities for liquidity providers (LPs), yield seekers, and the broader Arbitrum ecosystem. 

The “leverage anything” perp DEX will soon incorporate SFRXETH and other assets as they seek to be among the top three platforms on Arbitrum.

Aark Digital’s operational model is straightforward: investors deposit funds into a pool, which traders can utilize for their transactions. 

Investors earn a fee on these transactions while market makers manage risk, ensuring a balanced and efficient ecosystem through arbitrage opportunities. The single-sided LP feature of Aark distinguishes it from competitors. 

This feature allows stakeholders to take exposure to a single asset while earning yield. 

The Aark team has also introduced “leveraged LP,” which increases capital efficiency. 

The APR for single-sided LPs using Aark on Arbitrum is high and will allow FRAX holders to earn up to 60% APR with up to 2x Leveraged LP.

Aark and Frax have developed a flywheel mechanism that attracts more traders, increasing trading volumes and fee collections. 

This results in a self-reinforcing cycle of growth and rewards that benefits the entire Arbitrum ecosystem. 

The Aark team is determined to create a robust ecosystem sustaining long-term growth. 

By embracing FRAX, Aark invites stakeholders to switch to Arbitrum and contribute to the ecosystem’s development.

OKX Ventures recently funded Aark Digital and two other recipients. 

As an investment arm that focuses on long-term structural value investments, OKX’s decision to invest in Aark reflects its confidence in the decentralized perps platform and its potential to become a leading platform for DEX trading in the future.

“We are pleased about the innovations Aark brings to the ecosystem as a power user of decentralized perpetual trading platforms ourselves,” mentioned Juan David Mendieta, co-founder and chairman of Keyrock, in a recent article highlighting Keyrock’s decision to invest in Aark Digital’s recently closed seed funding round. “We believe it can be a potent vehicle for base yield in the industry and are excited to see what the team can achieve.”

Follow Aark Digital on Twitter, subscribe to their Medium blog, and trade on their innovative perpetual DEX over at https://app.aark.digital/.

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Source: https://crypto.news/aark-digital-dex-integrates-frax-volumes-rise/