3AC Founder Grilled in Singapore Court: Where Are the Missing Assets?

In a captivating courtroom showdown in Singapore, Su Zhu, co-founder of the once-mighty crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital, faced intense questioning. This marked a crucial moment in the ongoing effort to recover billions for creditors, shedding light on the fund’s collapse and the mysterious disappearance of its assets. Dressed sharply in a suit with a fresh haircut, Zhu deftly handled the probing questions from Teneo, the fund’s liquidator.

From Success to Crisis

The Three Arrows Capital saga is a rollercoaster tale of success and a subsequent crash that rocked the crypto world in 2022. The fund, once a symbol of triumph, stumbled due to risky bets, resulting in a colossal $3 billion debt disaster. The founders, once shining stars, now serve as cautionary figures in the unpredictable world of cryptocurrencies.

Also Read: Three Arrows Capital to Receive $33 Million From Genesis; Court Approves

Singapore’s regulators took a tough stance, holding Three Arrows accountable. Su Zhu and co-founder Kyle Davies faced severe consequences, receiving nine-year bans from the city-state’s financial arena. These penalties were a result of their risky practices and the spread of misleading information. While Zhu faced the courtroom heat, Davies remained an elusive figure, his whereabouts unknown despite efforts by liquidators and Interpol.

What’s Next?

As the courtroom drama settles, numerous questions remain unanswered. Can Teneo reconstruct the puzzle of Three Arrows’ downfall and recover the missing billions? Will Kyle Davies face justice, or will he stay a mysterious figure? What impact will this have on the markets?

Did You Know? Singapore Regulators Ban Three Arrows Capital Founders for 9 Years

Only time will tell, but one thing is sure: the Three Arrows Capital story is far from over.

Source: https://coinpedia.org/news/three-arrows-capital-founder-faces-intense-court-scrutiny-over-collapse-and-missing-assets/