Muslims Have Become A Persecuted Minority In India, Experts Warn

End of June 2022, a Panel of Independent International Experts (the Panel), consisting of three renowned international law experts, including Sonja Biserko, Marzuki Darusman and Stephen Rapp, launched...

The Rights Of Religious Minorities Are Under Threat In Communities Around The World

On June 2, 2022, the U.S. State Department delivered its annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom (the IRF Report) pursuant to its obligation under the International Religious Free...

The new Metaverse for Modern Muslims

The internet has kept evolving since its inception. The world has progressed from email being the finest thing that ever occurred to email being the worst thing that ever happened. Then the discussion...

Calls For Atrocity Crimes Against Muslims In India

“The Holocaust did not start with the gas chambers.” It started with hate speech. It started with propaganda. It started with dehumanization of a group of people and incitement to violence against the...