Pendulum Sets Record for Fastest Parachain Crowdloan on Polkadot

Pendulum, a leading player in the decentralized finance (Defi) space, has set a new record for the fastest parachain crowdloan on the Polkadot blockchain. The loan, which was fully funded in just 90 m...

KUSAMA price analysis: Price Surged 13% after Crowdloan unlock

Crowdloan unlock can be beneficial for KSM. Price surged 13% this monday. The volume is still at a decrease of 12.18%. Sister of the Polkadot project, Kusama is an experimental blockchain designed to ...

Kusama Rallies 13% After Crowdloan Token Unlock 

Key Takeaways KSM, the native token of the Kusama network, surged 13.5% Monday. 1.1 million KSM tokens locked up from the network’s first five parachain auctions have been returned to holders. D...

Polkadot’s 16th Parachain Slot Secured in Crowdloan Round

On the 6th of May, Polkadot’s most recent auction round came to an end, generating over $13.8 million and bringing a new platform to the system. The winner of this auction, Polkadex, put up 973,324 DO...

Polkadex’s Crowdloan Campaign Raises 973,324 DOTs ($13.8M) To Secure The 16th Polkadot Parachain Slot

– Advertisement – Tortola, British Virgin Islands, 9th May, 2022,   Polkadex, the revolutionary Substrate-based decentralized order-book exchange, has won the 16th Polkadot parachain slot ...

Bifrost reaches its crowdloan soft cap of 300,000 DOT ahead of the Polkadot parachain auction

Bifrost, a decentralized cross-chain liquidity provider for staked assets, has reached its crowdloan soft cap for its Polkadot parachain auction. The protocol currently has over 369,000 DOT contribute...

Polkadex Crowdloan is back on Polkadot parachain auctions with increased rewards

After announcing the Thea interoperability layer, Polkadex has unveiled another round of Polkadex Crowdloan with increased PDEX rewards. Polkadex supporters can once again loan their DOT tokens to hel...

Polkadex Joins Second Round of Parachain Auctions with Community Crowdloan

Tortola, British Virgin Islands,, 21st January, 2022,  — Polkadex Inc., the DeFi order-book exchange built on Substrate, has announced its parachain bid, aiming to join the second round of parachains ...

Savvy Polkadot traders are earning extra on their crowdloan allocations with Parallel Finance

The Polkadot ecosystem has attracted tons of attention, and billions of dollars, due to its support of parachains. Each individual project has a native chain tied to the main Polkadot blockchain, prov...

Polkadot: DOTs blocked for crowdloan or parachain slot

10% of all existing DOT tokens in the world are currently locked up in Polkadot’s crowdloan or parachain slots.  THREAD – @Polkadot #PolkadotDigest 4 Jan 2022#Polkadot News Although there is no curren...