
ラオス中央銀行とソラミツがCBDCの実証実験 日本のフィンテック企業ソラミツとラオス中央銀行が、中央銀行デジタル通貨(CBDC)の実証実験(PoC)開始のための覚書(MOU)締結を2月6日発表した。 ソラミツは、2020年より実運用が開始されているカンボジア王国のCBDC「バコン」を同国中央銀行・金融監督局であるカンボジア国立銀行と共同開発を行った企業だ。 今回の実証実験には、その「バコン」システ...

自称ビットコイン開発者クレイグ・ライトの25億ドル訴訟が裁判に | あたらしい経済

クレイグライトの25億ドル訴訟が裁判へ 自称ビットコイン発明者のクレイグ・ライト(Craig Wright)氏が、ビットコインネットワークの開発者に対し、数十億ドルの回収を求めている訴訟が正式に裁判になる。ロンドン裁判所が2月3日に発表した。 この裁判で下される判決は、開発者がデジタル資産の所有者に対し責任を負うかという審理の方向性を示すものである。一部の開発者の担当弁護士...

スタークウェア、トランザクション証明技術「Starknet Prover」をオープンソース化

Starknet Proverがオープンソース化 「スタークネット(StarkNet)」における分散化の最終段階に向けて「Starknet Prover(スタークネットプルーバー)」がオープンソース(OS)化される。同技術開発元のスタークウェア(Starkware)が2月5日発表した。 スタークウェアは、zkRollup(zkロールアップ)と呼ばれるゼロ知識証明の技術を利用したイーサリアム(Eth...

ビットコイン昨年8月来の24,000ドル台一時到達、ETH上昇率はBTC大きく上回る(暗号資産 週間マーケットレポート 1/29-2/4)

1/29~2/4週のサマリー ・BTCはドル建てで昨年8月以来となる24,000ドル台に到達。 ・FOMC では市場予想通り 25bp の利上げが実施されたが、パウエル FRB議長のインフレ減速を示唆する発言を受け、利上げ打ち止め期待から暗号資産価格は上昇。 ・米1月雇用統計では、非農業部門雇用者数が51.7万人の増加(市場予想18.5万人)と市場予想を大きく上回り、米金利が上昇。前日のパウエル議...

米検察当局、シルバーゲートによるFTXとアラメダとの取引を調査=情報筋 | あたらしい経済

米検察当局、シルバーゲートのFTXらとの取引調査 ワシントン連邦検察が、倒産した暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所FTXおよびアラメダリサーチ(Alameda Research)とのシルバーゲートキャピタル(Silvergate Capital)による取引について調査している。 情報筋は「米司法省不正対策課の検察官が、暗号資産に特化した銀行シルバーゲートキャピタルの取引に関する犯罪...


MakerDAOが法的防衛基金立ち上げへ 大手DeFi(分散型金融)プロトコル「MakerDAO(メイカーダオ)」において、新たな特別目的基金となる500万ドル(約6.6億円)規模の「法的防衛基金」が立ち上げられることが、同DAOのガバナンスで承認・決定された。 「MakerDAO」が2月1日に発表した。 「MakerDAO」によるとこの「法的防衛基金」は、「MakerDAO」参加者が法的または規...


ユニスワップのBNB展開にa16zが反対 分散型取引所(DEX)ユニスワップ(Uniswap)のBNBチェーンへの展開に関するガバナンス投票が注目されている。 ユニスワップのBNBチェーンへの展開は、0xプラズマラボ(0xPlasma Labs)が提案しており、1月24日に実施された事前確認「温度チェック(Temperature Check)」においては80%の賛成票を集めていた。 なお「温度チェ...

SBI DAHが国内機関投資家向けデジタルアセットカストディ提供へ、英ゾディアとJV設立で

SBIデジタルアセットが英ゾディアカストディとJV設立へ SBIグループの子会社SBIデジタルアセットホールディングス(SBI DAH)が、英ゾディアカストディ(Zodia Custody)と合弁でJV(ジョイントベンチャー)を設立することを2月3日発表した。 発表によると新会社では、日本を拠点に機関投資家向けにデジタルアセットのカストディサービスを提供する予定とのこと。予定出資比率はSBI DA...

Committee Appointed to Represent Unsecured Creditors in Genesis Global bankruptcy

According to documents filed with the court on February 4, a committee consisting of seven members has been constituted to represent the interests of unsecured creditors in the bankruptcy case involvi...

U.K. Central Bank and Treasury Believe Digital Pound is Needed

According to a story that was published by the Daily Telegraph on February 4, the Bank of England (BoE) and His Majesty’s Treasury feel that it is possible that the United Kingdom will need to d...

3 Website Operators Lured Romance-Seeking Victims Into Their Fraud

The New Jersey Bureau of Securities has issued a cease and desist order to the owners of three websites, instructing them to stop attempting to con people who are looking for love into investing in th...

StarkWare to Open Source Proprietary Prover

The scaling solution for Ethereum’s layer 2 To far, StarkWare has processed 327 million transactions and coined 95 million nonfungible tokens (NFTs). StarkWare has announced intentions to open s...

FTX seeks to recover political donations made by Sam Bankman-Fried

According to a statement that was made public on February 5th, the new management of FTX is attempting to recoup political contributions that have been given by Sam Bankman-Fried and other FTX executi...

Property linked to FTX customer funds pulled from market

According to a story in the Wall Street Journal, the seller of a property that was tied to Sam Bankman-political Fried’s expenditures removed the property off the market as a demonstration of &#...

Why A-List Celebrities Are Still Promoting Unvetted NFT

While the backing from a large number of A-list celebrities helped to speed up the boom in the use of non-fungible tokens (NFT) in 2021 and 2022, some of those celebrities pushed unvetted projects to ...

NFT project was actually a “social experiment” designed to shed light

Little Shapes NFT was first conceived as a “social experiment,” as disclosed by Atto, the pseudonymous originator of the project. The goal of the “social experiment” was to bri...

Crypto Firms Make Job Cuts Amidst Ongoing Crypto Winter

This week, many cryptocurrency companies have eliminated jobs in response to the current crypto winter. However, these companies have chosen to keep “impactful” people on staff as they pre...

Filecoin Blockchain Parent Firm Protocol Labs Announces 21% Layoff

57 mins ago | 2 mins read Blockchain News To provide light on the layoffs, CEO Juan Benet published a blog post. Benet wrote on Friday that the transition will be challenging for all Labbers. On Febru...

The IBM–Maersk blockchain effort was doomed to fail from the start

Blockchain projects continue to experience failure rates in excess of 90%, and it seems that with every passing moment, more and more “successful” companies add their underperforming blockchain projec...

Binance Signs MoU With Georgia To Boost Crypto and Blockchain Adoption

12 mins ago | 2 mins read Exchange News Changpeng Zhao met with Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili in November 2022. In January, the exchange signed an MoU with one of the country’s prominent Universi...

Cardano Whales Quietly Fueling 65% ADA Rally This Year, According to Blockchain Analytics Firm Santiment

Blockchain analytics firm Santiment says that massive holders Cardano (ADA) are driving up the price of the eighth-largest crypto asset by market cap.  From trading at around $0.246 on January 1st to ...

Binance to Support Georgia’s Crypto Industry Through Blockchain Education – Exchanges Bitcoin News

Digital asset exchange Binance has agreed to help Georgia to develop its cryptocurrency sector by launching educational and other blockchain initiatives. The leading coin trading platform has been exp...

FBI seizes $100,000 in cryptocurrency and NFTs

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is said to have taken possession of 86.5 ether (ETH) as well as two nonfungible tokens (NFTs) with a combined value of over $100,000 from a phishing scammer. ...

TZERO Shut Down Crypto Exchange

This information was sent to customers by the corporation on February 3 via its Twitter account in the form of a message. The cryptocurrency exchange known as tZERO is mostly owned by Overstock, and i...

CFTC Chair Rostin Behnam Continues Calls for Non-Security Tokens Regulations

The chairman of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission, often known as the CFTC, is Rostin Behnam, and he has said that he would continue working toward the agency’s goal of regu...

Binance Acquires Majority Stake in Gopax

Through its recent purchase of the South Korean cryptocurrency trading platform Gopax, the major cryptocurrency exchange Binance is making its way back to South Korea. Binance has reentered the South ...

Log in | Blockchain News

Monetary & Financial Freedom With blockchain, we will put an end to the monopoly of government-issued currencies, as suggested in the title of Hayek’s work – “Denationalization of Money.” Bl...

Australia Opens Public Consultation on National Taxonomy of Crypto Assets

In response to the ongoing regulatory arms race taking place throughout the world, Australia has initiated a public consultation over the classification of its own cryptocurrency assets. The national ...

Binance Bans WazirX From Using Its Services

The ongoing dispute between the global cryptocurrency exchange Binance and Zanmai, the operator behind the Indian cryptocurrency exchange WazirX, continues with a new blog post claiming that Binance i...

Russia largest bank is moving forward with the plan

Sberbank, the biggest bank in Russia, is pushing ahead with the plan to deploy its decentralised financing (DeFi) platform. The bank is now getting ready to test out the product within the next few mo...

WisdomTree cryptocurrency funds lose value in fourth quarter

As a result of the protracted bear market in Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies, the value of the digital asset assets managed by WisdomTree, a fund management company based in the United States...

You Can Now Play DOOM Directly On Bitcoin

It happened. Bitcoin runs DOOM. To the delight of crypto Twitter and Reddit circles, someone has uploaded a cloned version of the 30-year-old video game classic DOOM to the Bitcoin blockchain as an in...