バイナンスにDeFiの「Gains Network(GNS)」上場

バイナンスにGNS上場 大手暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所バイナンス(Binance)が、暗号資産「ゲインズネットワーク:Gains Network(GNS)」の取扱い予定を2月18日発表した。 GNSの取り扱いは、すでに日本時間18日20:30(UTC11:30)よりGNS/BTC、GNS/USDTの取引ペアによって取引開始しており、出金は19日17:00(UTC8:00)より開始している。 GNS...


BF、WFLRへの変換およびデリゲート機能を上半期中に提供予定 国内暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所ビットフライヤー(bitFlyer)が、「フレア(FLR)」の付与に関する同社の対応について2月20日に発表した。今後数か月間で実施される残りの「FLR」の配布に参加するためには、外部ウォレットにて「ラップドFLR(WFLR)」への変換を行う必要があるとのこと。 「FLR」はフレアネットワークス(Flar...

「FNCT」のトークン設計とコインチェックの評価(FiNANCiE國光宏尚、コインチェック天羽健介 対談【後編】) | あたらしい経済

「FNCT」のトークン設計とコインチェックの評価 FiNANCIEのトークン「FNCT」のCoincheckでのIEO(Initial Exchange Offering)に関する、FiNANCiE代表取締役CEOの國光宏尚氏とコインチェック常務執行役員天羽健介氏の対談動画の後編を公開! 後編はFiNANCiEがIEOするトークン「FNCT」のトークン設計と、それに対するコ...

Bitcoin Flips Visa Again | Blockchain News

Since the beginning of the year, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) has increased by 48%, which has caused its market valuation to once again surpass that of the payment processing behemoth Visa. According to...


コミュニティによるガバナンスやブロック検証への参加を可能に 韓国発のレイヤー1ブロックチェーンであるクレイトン(Klaytn)の開発やエコシステムの拡大を担うクレイトン財団(Klaytn Foundation)が、クレイトンの分散性向上を目的とする新しいガバナンスシステムを2月19日に発表した。 クレイトンは韓国カカオの子会社であるグラウンドX(Ground X)が2019年に開発したブロックチェ...

フィナンシェが「Web3パートナー制度」設立 | あたらしい経済

フィナンシェが「Web3パートナー制度」設立 次世代クラウドファンディングサービス「FiNANCiE(フィナンシェ)」提供のフィナンシェが、「Web3パートナー制度」の新設を月20日に発表した。なおWeb3パートナー第1号にはプロサイクルロードレースリーグ「ジャパンサイクルリーグ:JCL」が就任している。 今回新設された「Web3パートナー制度」では、より多くのスポーツチー...

Gemini co-founder: Crypto’s next bull run will start in Asia

Cameron Winklevoss, an American investor and co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, predicts that Asia will be the beginning of the next bull run for cryptocurrencies. His remarks came at a...

FTXJPが出金サービス再開、Liquid Japan通じて

FTXJPが出金サービス再開 国内暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所FTX Japanが、法定通貨の出金および暗号資産の出庫のサービスを本日2月21日正午より再開した。以前より同サービス再開は2月中旬予定と通知されていたが、昨日20日に再開することが発表されていた。 FTX Japanは昨年11月に経営破綻した親会社FTX Tradingの影響を受け、それ以降、出金・出庫のサービスを基本的に停止していた(...

Stablegains Sued for Allegedly Misleading Investors

The decentralized finance yield platform known as Stablegains is the subject of a legal action that has been brought against it in a court in the state of California on the grounds that it allegedly d...

ヘッジファンドのガロアキャピタルが閉鎖へ、FTX破綻余波で総資産の半分を失う | あたらしい経済

ヘッジファンドのガロアキャピタルが閉鎖へ ヘッジファンドの米ガロアキャピタル(Galois Capital)が、暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所FTXの破綻により資産の「約半分を失った」とし、旗艦ファンドを閉鎖する。ガロアキャピタルの創業者であるケビン・チョウ(Kevin Zhou)氏が自身のツイッターにて2月20日発表した。 このチョウ氏の声明は、フィナンシャル・タイムズが2月...


SFCがVASPの新たな規制案を発表 香港証券先物委員会(SFC)は、暗号資産交換業者(VASP)に対する新たな規制案を2月20日に発表した。この規制案が可決されれば、香港を拠点とするVASPのライセンス取得必須化と、個人投資家による取引制限緩和が実現する見込みだ。 SFCはこれまで、セキュリティトークンを取り扱うVASPに対してのみライセンス取得を義務付けていた。しかし、今回提案された規制案では...

The Most Unworkable State Law

The cryptocurrency industry has recently criticised a bill that was recently proposed in the Illinois Senate due to its “unworkable” intentions to compel blockchain miners and validators t...

China’s only public blockchain, Conflux, sees CFX price skyrocket 1,300% in 2023

Conflux Network (CFX) is up nearly 500% in the past week, with CFX emerging as one of the best-performing crypto assets in 2023 as China appears to be warming to cryptocurrency trading.  What is Confl...

Kimchi premium refers to when the price of BTC cheaper

The “Kimchi premium” in South Korea has switched back to a discount, which means that it is again possible to acquire cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin at a lower price on exchanges located...

Hedge fund Galois Capital shuts down after FTX collapse

Galois Capital, a hedge fund that was one of the companies that lost money when FTX went bankrupt, has decided not to continue operating after seeing fifty percent of its holdings get stuck in the fai...

The Impact of Bitcoin NFTs Movement on Its Blockchain Ecosystem

The Creator of NFT Protocol said Bitcoin will be fine with Monkey and JPEGs. The popularity of Bitcoin NFTs would positively impact the Bitcoin ecosystem.  This attracts developers to the ecosystem, a...

Public feedback on the SFC’s proposed cryptocurrency exchange licensing regime

The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong is seeking comment from the general public on its most recent proposed licensing framework for cryptocurrency exchanges. The SFC has asked for ...

Venom Foundation and Hub71 to Accelerate Growth and Adoption of Blockchain Technologies

[PRESS RELEASE – Abu Dhabi, UAE, 20th February 2023] Venom Foundation, the first Layer-1 blockchain licensed by Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), has teamed up with Hub71, Abu Dhabi’s global tech ecosys...

The Importance of Embedded Finance in Today’s Fintech World

A recent research conducted by Decta brought to light the significance of integrated financial elements in the modern world of fintech. According to the findings of the survey, some significant driver...

Helium Network Migration to Solana Blockchain in March Drives Significant Gains for SOL and HNT Tokens – Altcoins Bitcoin News

Over the past seven days, the crypto asset solana has increased more than 23% against the U.S. dollar after the announcement that the Helium Network plans to migrate to the Solana blockchain on March ...

State of Illinois’s Bill Threatens the Key Features of Blockchain

7 hours ago | 2 mins read Blockchain News Sen. Peters introduced a bill under the Digital Property Protection and Law Enforcement Act. The defaulters of the law will face a civil penalty of up to $10,...

Bridge the gap between traditional finance and DeFi

The cryptocurrency community is always looking for new methods to use decentralized finance (DeFi) technologies in order to close the gap that exists between conventional finance and fiat currencies. ...

9 promising blockchain use cases in healthcare industry

The use of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry has the potential to revolutionize the way medical records are managed, medical research is conducted and patient care is delivered. Here ar...

Binance Launches New Update to Fan Token Platform

Trade in cryptocurrencies Binance has released a new upgrade to its fan token platform. The purpose of this update is to assist sports teams in better engaging with their respective fan bases by provi...

Blockchain Network for the People by the People.

Blockchain Technology has revolutionized the way we think about transactions, decentralization, and security. One of the most compelling aspects of this technology is the ability to build trust and tr...

CFX Price rally 293%,Conflux to build Blockchain based Sim cards

Conflux Network will build blockchain based Sim cards with China Telecom China telecom will launch first BSIM pilot program in HongKong this year CFX coin price shot up 293% on the monthly basis and s...

Venom Foundation and Hub71 Partner to Accelerate Growth and Adoption of Blockchain Technologies from Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, UAE, 20th February, 2023, Chainwire. Venom Foundation, the first Layer-1 blockchain licensed by Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), has teamed up with Hub71, Abu Dhabi’s global tech ecosystem, ...

Ordinal Inscription Collections on Bitcoin Blockchain Grow as Creators Monetize Art – Bitcoin News

With more than 150,000 Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain, there are now numerous collections as creators and artists have found a new way to monetize their artworks via blockchain technol...

Top Blockchain, NFT, Digital Wallet, Metaverse and Other WEB3 Opportunities in Automotive Industry 2023: Including Vehicle Wallet for EV & Autonomous Self-Charging Electric Cars – ResearchAndMarkets.com

DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The “Top Blockchain, NFT, Digital Wallet, Metaverse and Other WEB3 Opportunities in Automotive” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. Autonomous Driver DNA...

Wall Street Expects Brutal Coinbase Earnings. Why an Analyst Upgraded the Stock.

Wall Street is mostly muted ahead of earnings from Coinbase Global expecting to see deep losses and the lowest quarterly sales in two years from the cryptocurrency broker when the group reports earnin...

5 use cases of Blockchain technology for pet healthcare market

Blockchain technology is taking multiple sectors by storm. The healthcare market is not an exception – blockchain-based investments in healthcare are projected to surpass $16 billion by 2031, growing ...

New Crypto Presale Neon Link Blockchain Gaming Ecosystem – Next 100x Altcoin Revealed?

Join Our Telegram channel to stay up to date on breaking news coverage A brand new project that launched with a complete ecosystem Neon Link, has raised $183k in the first 25 minutes of its token pres...