Pixels Review: Open World Farm NFT Game on Ronin

Pixels is an open-world NFT game with a farm and adventure theme, where everything is made using pixel art. The development took two years, and the project has only recently shifted from Polygon to a brand new blockchain, Ronin, which was created specifically for NFT game projects and funded by Sky Mavis, the company behind Axie Infinity.
Pixels Review: Open World Farm NFT Game on RoninPixels Review: Open World Farm NFT Game on Ronin

What are Pixels?

Pixels Review: Open World Farm NFT Game on RoninPixels Review: Open World Farm NFT Game on Ronin
Pixels Review: What are Pixels?

Pixels is an amazing, wide world of agriculture and adventure – built one pixel at a time. Harvest resources, level up your skills, interact with the community, and delve into the stories and missions that have literally built the Pixels world from its roots up.

Engage in this full experience of management, creation, and exploration in a world that marries blockchain ownership right alongside your progression and accomplishments. Pixels want to make a playful, laid-back, blockchain-powered game that will serve as a gateway for millions into Web3.

Read More: Ronin Network Review: Sidechain for Web3 Games Developed by Sky Mavis

Key Highlights

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Pixels Review: Key Highlights


There’s so much that’s still yet to be learned in Web3. Over at Pixels, they welcome a public-building approach; they run lots of experiments and iterate quickly. Their community is a crucial part of this process. Their development is very unconventional compared to a regular game studio. Instead of building for years and launching to see how the game does in the wild, they do all the building in public with their community.

The first iteration of the game was very unimpressive, but week after week, it refined over two years and will continue to do so. This is a consistent trend of improvement, which is something the community directly contributes to by giving feedback well-listened to by them. This way, Pixels can be so much faster at iterating and experimenting. That way, the players really get to shape our game world.

Fun First

This is where sustainability is key for any blockchain game. A successful play-to-earn economy should focus on driving first immersive experiences rather than financial gains. Designers need to make games fun while implementing blockchain technology but not at the cost of fun and accessibility of the games. The vision should be set on game delight for long-term success and player delight.


Blockchain gaming unlocks a future of interoperability where ownership occurs in the depth, and players have access to traverse assets between various virtual worlds. This Metaverse interconnects games, allowing digital existence to flow fluently between them. A leading game studio recently integrated our NFT-enabled Metamask wallets with more than 90 collection supports. This represents a tectonic shift in digital ownership and immersion that is on the brink of disrupting the lines between virtual and reality and unlocking limitless possibilities of gaming.

Gradual Decentralization

In the push for decentralized gaming, one studio stands out for strategic balancing between ideals and practicality, keeping its eyes on delivering fun gaming experiences with a gradual decentralizing process. The studio rapidly releases a game with on-chain item ownership and retains many server-side mechanics to allow faster development and game iterations. Although the early decisions are centralized, they prepare the infrastructure for decentralized systems in treasury management. It’s that commitment to innovation and adaptability in the ever-changing world of blockchain games that pushes toward a future more decentralized.

Read More: Apeiron Review: The First Ever Web3 God Game On Ronin



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Pixels Review: Resources

Players may earn land, crops, wood, water, goods, stone, electricity, and metal within the game Pixels. The resources are produced by various industries and differ from one another in rarity from common to legendary, based on the land type and characteristics. For instance, more fertile land yields more rare crops. The player can use resources for crafting, laying foundations to build buildings, or making money in the market. Rare resources have higher pay-outs and give large profits.

There will be quite a few types of resources in-game that these different industries produce.

  • Soil
  • Crops
  • Wood
  • Water
  • Storage
  • Stone
  • Power
  • Metal

Rarity of Resources

The resources that they produce can be of different rarities. Only certain types of resources are produced on the land that has certain traits, and some different types of resources are only found on the lands of certain kinds. Lands of certain kinds with rarer utility can be expected to produce different types of resources in their kind.

Level 1 – Common

Level 2 – Special

Level 3 – Remarkable

Level 4 – Amazing

Level 5 – Legendary

Place of Resources

Under this section, we are going to discuss the places from where different resources can be expected. Certain types of resources are only found from particular kinds of lands.

Activities in the game

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Pixels Review: Activities in the game

The most operative of all activities is farming. Cultivating different types of crops allows the player to either invest in their own land and receive 100% of the yield, or plant on someone else’s land and share a portion of the yield with the owner. energy since all farming activities such as planting, watering, and getting rid of the weeds require energy all the time. Apart from farming, the there are lots of ways to gather resources. According to the article, players are allowed to go into industries such as silviculture, beekeeping, and mining to colleting all sorts of resources.

Econo-model in the game


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Pixels Review: Land

In Pixels, land is represented by plots—floating pieces of land unique to the game. There are three types of landscapes, each with specific advantages and limitations to the type of house a player can build:

  1. Free Lands : The most basic plots for carrying out basic farming activities. Very limited functions and offer very low productivity compared to the other two types.
  2. Rented Lands: offer more freedom, higher productivity, and the ability to decorate as per the desire of players but have to be rented from others.
  3. Owned Lands: have more space and functionality for players. They have the highest income and productivity among the three kinds of lands. A total of 5000 NFT lands have been issued and are being sold on OpenSea.


Token metrics

  • Ticker: $PIXEL
  • Total supply: 5,000,000,000 $PIXEL

Token Allocation

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Pixels Review: Token Allocation
  • Ecosystem – 34% : Linear vesting over 5 years
  • Treasury – 17%: Linear vesting over 4 years
  • Seed Round – 9.6%: 1- year lock, then linear vesting over 36 months
  • Private Round – 4.4% : 1- year lock, then linear vesting over 36 months
  • Binance Launchpool – 7%: 100 % unlocked at TGE
  • Development Team – 12.5%: 1- year lock, then linear vesting over 36 months
  • Advisors – 9.5%: 75 million unlocked at TGE, remaining linear vesting over 48 months
  • Airdrop -5%: 100 % unlocked at TGE
  • Liquidity – 1%: 100 % unlocked at TGE
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Pixels Review: Token Vesting

Use Case

Pixel is a utility in-game token. During TGE, Pixel is going to be utilized for the following: 

In addition, $PIXEL can be utilized to: 

  • Rush build time
  • Boost energy temporarily
  • Buy special items to be placed on land
  • Unlock new skins
  • Unlock XP and skill boosters
  • Unlock new recipes
  • IRL merchandise can be purchased on in-game.

Team and Investors


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Pixels Review: Team

The Pixels development team consists of 16 professionals deeply experienced in both gaming and blockchain. Key members of the team include:

Investor and partners

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Pixels Review: Investor and partners

Pixels completed two rounds of funding: Seed and Strategic, with a total value of $7.2 million. The project received investment from large funds

  • Strategic (09/02/2024): $4.8M has been raised for the project from such major funds like Fenbushi Capital, Yield Guild Games, and others from the Crypto Fund Framework Ventures.
  • Seed (03/02/2022): Pixels raised $2.4M in a strategic seed round funding by Animoca Brands and PKO Investments. The round saw angel investments from the CEO of Rotten Tomatoes, COO of Twitch, CEO of Crunchy Roll and CEO of FitBit, among others. Other participants included OpenSea, Untapped Capital, and Leonis Capital.
  • The Private, Private 2, and Private/Presale rounds amounts were not disclosed.


Chapter 2 (March 2024)

Chapter 2 will be a revision of current mechanics, along with the introduction of a new base skill of Exploration. This will aim to provide increased competitive gameplay and much more closely bound integration of guilds.

Chapter 2 features three essential areas of highlight:


Chapter 3 (June 2024)

Chapter 3 shall see the direct focus of Pixel Pets. As the core loops will release in October 2023, this will serve to build upon what is provided, dealing with gameplay and ensembling combat elements.

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Pixels Review: Chapter 3 (June 2024)

Chapter 4 (October 2024)

Chapter 4 will see the focus in UGC, roleplaying, and questing. Alongside this, we will take this time and the previous period to further enhance overall polish and begin the development of a mobile/desktop app.

Long-term Plans

We have a good amount of potential in an expandable core of the game around Pixels. With our ecosystem and game growing, and the refinement of web3 systems, it may become a logical progression to release other games. Pixels is absolutely committed in this growth to the $PIXEL token and its integral role in any future games and mints.

How to join in the Pixels game

Step 1: Add the Ronin Wallet extension to your browser and make a wallet.

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Pixels Review: Step 1

Step 2: Go to pixels.xyz and click PLAY FOR FREE.

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Pixels Review: Step 2

Step 3: Connect your Ronin Wallet.

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Pixels Review: Step 3

Step 4: Select Create New Account and sign the confirmation in your wallet.

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Pixels Review: Step 4

Step 5: Name your character and click Continue.

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Pixels Review: Step 5

Step 6: Choose a world and click Start Game. You are successfully logged in to Pixels.

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Pixels Review: Step 6

Step 7: Start exploring the world of the game.

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Pixels Review: Step 7


In this Pixels Review, you know that starting as a small-time project, Pixels has quickly exploded with growth since its move to Ronin, attracting tons of players and fostering a dynamic community not interested primarily in profit but in quality gaming.

CoinCu also forecasts this project to be on the front line of future GameFi trends, since its top-ranking feature is of the daily active users, together with the support of Ronin and the Sky Mavis team, the creators of Axie Infinity.


1. Why did Pixels migrate from the Polygon network to the Ronin network?

Pixels migrated from the Polygon network to the Ronin network to leverage Ronin’s established user base and superior distribution capabilities, primarily developed through the success of Axie Infinity. This move aimed to increase user acquisition and engagement, as Ronin offered a more robust and dedicated blockchain gaming ecosystem​

2. What milestones has Pixels achieved since its launch on the Ronin network?

Since its launch on the Ronin network, Pixels has hit some remarkable milestones like reaching 500,000 daily active users and more than 2 million wallets within 4 months. The game has also successfully launched its $PIXEL token on Binance, further enhancing its ecosystem

3. What future updates and expansions are planned for Pixels?

Pixels has an ambitious roadmap for future updates. In 2024, planned updates include new game chapters, a combat system, player-created worlds, and further integration of guilds and social features. These updates are to ensure more content is available in-game to provide a positive player experience​

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Source: https://coincu.com/263220-pixels-review-open-world-farm-nft-game-on-ronin/