Know Different Royalty Programs on Various NFT Marketplaces

NFT marketplaces provide a chance for artists to earn royalties through sales. Royalties are earned through primary sales or secondary sales. Every NFT exchange provides royalties but the percentage and the terms are different.

Before selling, buying, or trading NFTs it is very essential to know the royalty structure of different NFT marketplaces.

Each NFT exchange is now offering a new model of royalty to set a trend and emerges higher than the rival marketplaces. In this way, they attract more traders to their platforms.

NFT Marketplaces With Different Royalty Programs

There are many NFT marketplaces, each with some pros and cons linked to it. Some of the NFT exchanges are listed below with their various royalty programs.

  1. OpenSea NFT Marketplace

OpenSea NFT marketplace has introduced the new marketplace structure from November 8, 2022.  In this code, the creator has to add code snippets into the smart contract which enables them to earn royalty from secondary royalty if their NFT gets sold. 

However, there is a restriction that it is available to new and upgradable collections. In a blog post by David Finzer, it was written that there would be no changes in the existing collection from December 8, 2022. He also added in the post that the company will take public opinion and then evaluate the solutions like optional royalties and enforcement options for creators and will decide accordingly which tool to release after that date.

  1. Rarible NFT Marketplace

Rarible NFT marketplace placed an incentive program to lure buyers in which those buyers are rewarded who pick an NFT from the marketplace that honors creator royalties.

  1. Exchange.Art Marketplace

Exchange.Art marketplace that is the Solana fine art NFT marketplace introduced royalties protection. Under this standard, the creators are allowed to whitelist or blacklist NFT platforms. So, they can restrict the resale of their works only to such platforms that support creator royalty.

  1. X2Y2 NFT Marketplace

X2Y2 NFT exchange supports the optional royalty models. This platform gives the option to the buyer of paying royalty to creators at the time of checkout if they wish. On first-time sales, royalty is a must but for secondary sales, buyers have the option of paying as per their wish.

  1. LooksRare NFT Marketplace

LooksRare exchange also supports the optional royalty. The marketplace does not pay royalties but shares 25% of protocol fees with the creators. In secondary sales, buyers have the option to choose if they want to give royalties or not.

Besides the above options, Blur and Magic Eden NFT marketplace are following the same concept of optional royalties. 


On different NFT marketplace, creators can gain royalty through their unique digital assets called NFT which includes music, arts, etc. NFT exchanges are learning from these models of royalty programs. There is no foundation for them to stick with it forever. As per market demands and keeping in concern of creators and buyers these royalty programs can be changed. 

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