Epic Stores Gets Its Own NFT Game on Platform

NFT Game

  • Epic Store has launched an NFT game on their platform.
  • The game is similar to the metaverse game Roblox.
  • Majority of gamers around the globe hate the concept of NFTs.

Blankos Block Party is The New Entry on Epic Stores

NFT games are booming with a quicker pace unaffected by the backlash of traditional gamers. Recently, Epic Store launched Blankos Block party on the platform. The game is similar to Roblox, but with the element of non-fungible tokens. The social multiplayer party can become a huge success considering its resemblance to Roblox.

According to the latest data, Roblox has offered 29 Million unique gaming experiences to the users since 2008. The game has a Daily Active User count of 45.5 Million. The ecosystem has attracted big guns from various sectors including Ralph Lauren, Spotify, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger and more.

A majority of the gamers around the globe do not support the notion of non-fungible tokens. They think of them as fraudulent schemes luring users to exploit them. According to a report, there are currently 2.8 Billion gamers globally. Europe accounts for 391 Million gamers, Africa/Middle East holds 388 Million, 274 Million are residing in Latin America, and more.

Microsoft, one of the biggest tech companies, uses blockchain as the backbone of the Xbox Live platform. Ubisoft tried to implement NFTs in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, but the community backfired, leading the company to stop the initiative. Square Enix, Electronic Arts, Take-Two, and more studios want to engage NFTs in their games.

During its inception, non-fungible tokens were nothing but an image. But a lot of use cases have emerged since then. Supply chain, music industry, gaming sector are among the spaces where NFTs can be useful. Supply chain sector can use the token to store metadata on blockchain technology, the gaming industry is already using the concept in the form of avatars, virtual lands and more.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/09/28/epic-stores-gets-its-own-nft-game-on-platform/