Bored Ape Yacht Club(BAYC) Propagating NFT Racism?

Bored Ape bayc

  • In a one-hour-long documentary, the YouTuber Philion seriously accuses the BAYC of spreading hidden Nazi symbolism and propagating race stereotypes.
  • The controversy is raising some serious questions regarding where the blockchain world is going.
  • It seems that more and more people are accusing BAYC of utilizing simianization against Asians and Blacks.

The Documentary That Started It All

Whenever there is a controversy surrounding the rich, there are always public opinions, some are always good, some are… well bad.

This time, a huge audience is claiming some serious accusations against the BAYC. 

A few celebrity YouTubers and social media influencers are propagating the hashtag: #burnbayc

But, what really happened?

Let’s rewind the story a little bit from the beginning

  • In a one-hour-long documentary, the YouTuber Philion seriously accuses the BAYC of spreading hidden Nazi symbolism and propagating race stereotypes.
  • According to the official website:

BAYC is a collection of 10,000 Bored Ape NFTs—unique digital collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain.

  • Throughout history, many powerful dictators have made many attempts in order to dehumanize humans by comparing them to apes.
  • This helps them to legitimize violence and oppress the race. This term is known as simianization.
  • This simianization is being used against many races till now. Some of the races who got oppressed by this methodology are:
  1. Asians
  2. Jews
  3. Irish

But in recent times, it is more commonly used against the population of the black ethnicity.

Is This The Entry Of Centralization In The World Of Blockchain

It seems at first that there is nothing controversial regarding the ideologies of the BAYC, but more and more people are accusing them of utilizing simianization against Asians and Blacks.

Although this story has lots of followers and lots of haters, the controversy is raising some serious questions regarding where the blockchain world is going.

While some are alleging and comparing the BAYC logo to that of the SS Panzer Division in World War II Nazi Totenkopf symbol, some are calling raising questions that if the world of blockchain was supposed to free us from the world of centralization, why are the autocratic issues like racism and stereotypes are making their place in this world? 

It’s a long debate where a large population is throwing at a large organization, large accusations.

It will take a few days to resolve the conflict… or will it?
