A16z Make Moves to Improve NFT Copyrights

NFT Copyrights

  • Andreessen Horowitz has released free NFT licenses dubbed “Can’t be Evil.”
  • The organization is constantly working towards the development of Web3.
  • Web3 is believed to be a user-owned space which translates to “no central entity in the game.”

Can’t Be Evil Licenses

Andreessen Horowitz is constantly working towards the Web3 space for a long time now. Recently, the organization raised a 4.5 Billion USD fund for web3 development. Now the organization is entering into NFT licensing through an initiative dubbed “Can’t Be Evil” licenses . The company has released free contracts for NFT licenses on GitHub.

These licenses are basically inspired from the Creative Commons the internet users utilize to collaborate and create their own unique content. For those unaware of the Creative Commons, it is a non-profit organization which allows the creators around the world to share their works which the other users (other than the owner) can use in their projects.

The goal of this initiative is to help the creators protect their work’s Intellectual Property (IP) rights; grant enforceable, revocable and simply understandable rights; and and to unleash the potential of the communities, holders and creators by the means of collaboration.

It appears like A16z wants to operate like an NPO to provide a way to the NFT community which can open up new use cases for the tokens in Web3 space. The blog also mentioned that this move will make the NFT ecosystems more trustless.

To make this more simple, if a person is holding an NFT, he/she does not have the rights to make changes in the original artwork. It will only represent the ownership of the asset and nothing else. With the “Can’t Be Evil” licenses, folks can make amendments in the digital work to present something new (original creator will possess the creator rights).

Many think of Web3 as the next iteration of the internet. It will be a user-owned space and will serve as a foundation for the metaverse. Prime motive of the evolution of the internet is to eliminate the central entities among the users. Web3 will contain everything Web2 does, but it will allow the folks to monetize their content without requiring any middlemen.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/08/a16z-make-moves-to-improve-nft-copyrights/