Zilliqa to Improve Dev Relations and Roll Out Version ‘2.0’ Refresh, as the Network Celebrates Its 6th Birthday

Zilliqa to Improve Dev Relations and Roll Out Version ‘2.0’ Refresh, as the Network Celebrates Its 6th Birthday

Key Highlights:

  • Zilliqa set to mark its 6th anniversary with major network upgrades and enhanced developer support.
  • The celebration comes with the deployment of EVM compatibility on the Zilliqa mainnet, allowing developers to experiment with deploying EVM dApps on the network and leverage popular tools like Hardhat and Truffle.

Zilliqa, a leading blockchain platform that addresses scalability issues by implementing sharding technology, is thrilled to announce that it is celebrating its 6th year anniversary today.

As a six year old thriving platform, Zilliqa testifies an immersive progress from its inception as an idea at the National University of Singapore (NUS) to a reputable blockchain that has excelled across diverse sectors. Over the years, the platform has been committed to catering to everyone and scaling to meet the needs of the ever-expanding world of DeFi.

As part of this significant milestone, the platform has revealed significant upgrades already implemented on the network and plans to roll out more developments to improve developer communication and support. This includes easier avenues to seek assistance and regular office hours with the Zilliqa technical team.

The move follows the company’s belief that developers are the engine of its network, as they continue to build the applications that drive growth across the ecosystem. Hence, it is set to help builders reach their potential with its proposed developments.

Zilliqa Deploys EVM Compatibility on Its Mainnet, Moves to Roll Out Version ‘2.0’ Refresh

Suggesting thrilling changes on the horizon for Zilliqa this year, the platform announced that EVM compatibility has gone live on the Zilliqa mainnet, enabling developers to explore the opportunities that comes with deploying EVM dApps and leveraging familiar tools like Hardhat and Truffle.

Apparently, this move is set to foster adoption and interoperability, making it easier for developers to contribute to the network’s expansion.

As part of its ongoing move to further enhance the network, the team revealed that the development of Zilliqa 2.0 is underway. The significant network refresh aims to make the blockchain faster, cheaper, and more flexible, reliable, and secure. The core infrastructure changes lay the foundation for a scalable and accessible blockchain that can meet the demands of widespread dApp and service adoption.

Furthermore, in its preparation for Zilliqa 2.0, the network’s team revealed they are working on a devnet, a pure test environment designed for developers to experiment with upcoming functionality before it’s deployed to the testnet. This environment will be instrumental in identifying potential conflicts and considering new developments effectively.

Zilliqa to Empower Developers with Enhanced Support and Communication

As explained earlier, Zilliqa recognizes the importance of developers in driving the network forward, hence it has implemented several initiatives to support and collaborate with them.

Per the announcement, Zilliqa has transferred the community and developer relations to Discord. This aims to enhance the experience for all users, from individuals to large development teams. This follows the introduction of a new ticketing system that allows developers to seek help directly from the Zilliqa technical team, making issue resolution more streamlined and efficient.

The team behind the network have also sought to issue regular announcements on mainnet upgrades, providing developers with detailed information relevant to their work. Hence, during regular office hours, developers will be allowed to interact directly with the infrastructure team, gain insights into mainnet upgrades, and get feedback on leveraging new features, like EVM compatibility.

The ZIL token has seen a slight slump in its price over the last day while its blockchain is undergoing significant upgrades. According to data by Coincodex, ZIL has decreased -1.39% in the last 24 hours, trading at $ 0.020981 as of the time of writing.

Source: https://coincodex.com/article/30832/zilliqa-to-improve-dev-relations-and-roll-out-version-20-refresh-as-the-network-celebrates-its-6th-birthday/