Yuga Labs Announces Dookey Dash, Does The Game Have Something to Do With The Otherside?

Yuga Labs

Yuga Labs, creators of the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection, recently announced a game, Dookey Dash, on Twitter. The game is free to play and non-BAYC holders can have access to it too. The event will reward the players based on their ultimate scores on the leaderboard by February 8, 2023. Still, the users are required a Sewer Pass to enter the game.

Hold Your Breaths!

According to the thread, free claims will start on January 17, 2023. People having Bored or Mutant Ape NFT can go for the pass. Meanwhile, the non-holders can buy a Sewer Pass to access the game. There’s no time boundation on the players to stay on the leaderboard until the aforementioned date. Scores will determine the prize a user will receive after the limited time event.

The Bored Ape team chose to remain mysterious yet fun during the announcement. They describe “Gary the Dog” as “The Watcher” of the Sewers who will summon “power sources” based on the game scores associated with player passes. The ultimate summoner has “forgot” the names to these power sources, says the Twitter thread.

To the ones who are unable to understand the Sewer Pass, it is an NFT to gain gaming access to Dookey Dash. According to the official website, the players need to hold them until February 15, 2023 to transform it into “something new”. Moreover, the skill based NFT mint will end on February 8. Furthermore, players can transfer their passes between Feb 8th to Feb 15th, but won’t be able to play the game.

This is not it, although unknown, there will be more stuff in this initiative as the website says “The Story Continues”, after all the initial process is done.

Where Do These Sewers Open?

In March 2022, Yuga Labs released a trailer of Otherside metaverse. Players were able to experience the Bored Ape universe in July 2022 during the “First Trip”. The “Second Trip” is scheduled in March 2023 and hopefully the game will be launched officially this year. With a high enough vantage point, the Dookey Dash initiative appears to be connected with the Otherside.

Source: OpenSea

Some of the Otherdeeds, the virtual land plots in the Otherside metaverse, contain traits like chemical goo, biogenic swamp, and more. Just a hypothesis, what if these “Sewers” drain the travelers to one of these lands on “Otherside”?

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/12/yuga-labs-announces-dookey-dash-does-the-game-have-something-to-do-with-the-otherside/