Working, Features and its Native Token, Zen

The blockchain industry is moving towards a major network, Web 3.0. However, scalability remains a primary unresolved issue.

In addition, there is the challenge of interoperability, which involves connecting the ecosystems into a network that can function as one. Other concerns are worth addressing, but let’s focus on these two major obstacles since they are likely the most significant and most challenging to solve. However, there might be a solution to both issues, thanks to Horizen (ZEN) project.

A Beginners’ Guide to Horizen

Horizen is renowned in the crypto world for its development and delivery of zero-knowledge-based blockchain technology, as well as one of the first scalability solutions of its kind.

Its blockchain network provides a unique sidechain solution that allows developers to create their scalable blockchains supporting tens of thousands of transactions per second without sacrificing decentralization. Therefore, Horizen is among the projects that have developed the best solution for the scalability problem.

Horizen’s Features

Horizen has created the Zendoo protocol, which relies on SNARK verification, enabling blockchain interoperability. This protocol offers complete flexibility in terms of speed, consensus, sidechain type, and privacy. The network supports up to 10,000 sidechains, and its throughput limit is 10 Million transactions per second, which is the peak of scalability and interoperability in crypto.

Zendoo is the backbone of Horizen’s abilities, being the most powerful cross-chain protocol to build your blockchain, according to Horizen. 

Its design enables developers to build their own blockchains and applications that can solve real-world problems, capture tomorrow’s opportunities, and is permissionless and fully decentralized, with auditable transparency, top-notch privacy levels, and customizable crypto-economy.

Horizen has great potential to impact the blockchain industry and allow crypto projects to continue their development towards the next stage of technological advancement. 

Horizen’s network enables developers to build their blockchain with its unique sidechain solution, which is significantly more straightforward than building a new chain from scratch, and the sidechains can communicate with the main chain and each other.

Horizen offers also a zero-knowledge-enabled cross-chain protocol that allows excellent privacy of its main chain and sidechains. However, the project insists that its unique privacy features are optional, and it is the users’ choice whether to use them or not. 

What is ZEN, the Horizen’s Native Token

Horizen’s native crypto, ZEN token, is a mineable PoW coin currently trading on multiple major exchanges. ZEN can also be staked by those who wish to participate in the project’s full node network, which features over 50,000 nodes, and users are rewarded for their contribution with more ZEN.

Horizen is a blockchain project that uses zero-knowledge technology. It offers a scalable network with high levels of privacy and security. Developers are interested in the platform as it enables the creation of highly scalable sidechains that facilitate the development of complex applications.

In addition, Horizen’s solutions have the potential to be a crucial foundation for blockchain interoperability in the future. While the project has developed an impressive scalability solution, it is the interoperability feature that will likely secure Horizen’s place in the Web 3.0 world.


Horizen’s solutions are considered a step towards the decentralized version of the internet, making it a valuable investment opportunity. The blockchain industry is evolving quickly, and instead of having numerous closed and detached ecosystems, it is gradually linking these ecosystems to form a network that will eventually become the decentralized version of the internet.
