Why Won’t Biden Give Ukraine What It Needs To Win This War?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is making exasperated pleas for more weapons. Yet President Biden and NATO are not responding with genuine urgency, in both the quantity and the types of weapons needed.

This episode of What’s Ahead asks, why?

Military specialists overestimated the ability of Russia’s military to carry out complicated operations and abysmally underestimated Ukraine’s prowess and capabilities, which had grown enormously since Putin seized Crimea in 2014.

Experts have been reluctant to acknowledge the truth: Properly armed, Ukrainian forces could win this war. This refusal to accept reality helps explain why the Bidenites and NATO are starting to pressure Zelensky to accept a deal that would partition his country.

This would be a dreadful mistake for Ukraine and the Free World.

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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2022/03/31/russia-ukraine-conflict-why-wont-biden-give-ukraine-what-it-needs-to-win-this-war/