Why experts think digital pound threatens financial stability

The UK’s exploration into launching a digital pound has sparked a robust debate among financial experts and policymakers.

The House of Commons Treasury Committee has expressed concerns, warning that the introduction of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the UK could pose significant risks to financial stability and personal privacy.

While the Bank of England and HM Treasury are continuing their investigations into a digital pound, experts are urging caution, highlighting the potential challenges and pitfalls of such a move.

Concerns Over Stability and Data Privacy

One of the primary concerns surrounding the digital pound is the impact it could have on traditional banking systems. Experts fear that in periods of financial instability, individuals might rapidly transfer large sums of money from conventional bank accounts into digital pounds.

Such a scenario could potentially lead to increased vulnerability to bank runs, further destabilizing the financial system. Additionally, there are serious apprehensions about how authorities would handle personal data of digital pound users. The prospect of government surveillance and misuse of financial transaction data has raised alarm bells about individual privacy rights.

This concern is heightened by the push to create a universally accepted, riskless electronic alternative to cash that would operate via smartphone wallets, possibly giving government entities unprecedented access to personal financial transactions.

Balancing Innovation and Risk

Moreover, the shift to a digital currency might drive up interest rates on bank loans, with estimations suggesting a possible increase of 0.8 percentage points or more if significant bank deposits are moved into digital pounds.

To mitigate these risks, the committee suggested considering a lower limit on individual holdings of digital pounds than the Bank of England’s proposed £10,000-£20,000 ceiling, taking cues from the European Central Bank’s discussion of a €3,000 limit per person for a digital euro.

Experts also stress the importance of strong privacy safeguards to ensure that the government doesn’t intrude on digital pound users’ privacy. Additionally, there’s a growing concern that a move towards a digital currency could exacerbate financial exclusion by hastening the decline of cash usage.

The introduction of a digital pound in the UK represents a complex balancing act between embracing technological advancement and mitigating financial risks.

The concerns raised by the Treasury Committee reflect the need for a cautious approach to the implementation of a digital currency.

As the UK continues to explore this digital frontier, the priority remains to ensure that any potential digital currency complements the existing financial system while upholding the principles of privacy and financial inclusion.

The Treasury and the Bank of England have acknowledged these concerns and are expected to formally respond to the committee’s report, outlining the next steps in the digital pound’s journey.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/digital-pound-threatens-financial-stability/