Why Are Sports Fans More Likely to Buy NFTs, Going Beyond Just Following?

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Reports say that Sports Fans are very much likely to step into NFTs and cryptocurrencies more than general crypto enthusiasts.

For a while now, cryptocurrencies and sports have seen mutual relations through many distinct ways. Be it crypto firms’ sponsorship deals with sports clubs or NFTs or digital assets promotions during tournaments through advertisements. Another significant side of relation between NFTs and sports includes sports fans, who adore digital assets. 

Several reports have found that sports fans have a special bond with NFTs as they look towards them with different perceptions. On 23rd July, research was released by the National Research Group discussing the viewpoints of sports fans towards NTFs or non-fungible tokens. Among several interesting findings, the report outlines that about 64% sports fans have their keen interest towards NFTs. 

Beyond their interest, these sports fans also showed their willingness towards buying at least one non-fungible token. Further, the NRG conducted poll also found that there are about 84% out of all sports fans participating in the pool, who seek more restrictions on NFT trading should be imposed. Sports fans participated in the research from different parts of the world including the United States, United  Kingdom, Japan, Brazil, etc. 

The report also found that 46% of these sports enthusiasts participants, claims that they would be more interested in attending those live sports events that involve some celebratory NFT. This is  given the fact that their ticket would act as an NFT, a digital collectible, after the game. Meanwhile, just 49% of total poll particpants—agreed that they have knowledge and understanding regarding the non-fugible tokens. 

Popularity of digital collectibles is quite evedent among sports enthusiasts, more than general digital art proponent. This is due to  many sports fans have perception towards NFTs as somehting that could being a whole new form of innovation and creativity to the  existing games or sports, in which they were involved. 

However, a general decline was also witnessed in the intrest of crypto  enthusiasts towards digital  asets itlesf. The most prominent reason being the massive cryptomarket downturn, that led many cryptocurencies fall to the ground and expereinced steep decline. Such instances resulted in shaking their confidence and reducing their hopes towards NFTs and makes them least likly to buy digital collectibles and NFTs. 

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/07/24/why-are-sports-fans-more-likely-to-buy-nfts-going-beyond-just-following/