White House Accuses RNC Chair Of Supporting Federal Default


The White House rebuked Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel on Thursday after she said the debt ceiling fight “bodes very well” for Republicans, accusing her of cheering on a potential economic disaster, as lawmakers prepare to break for a Memorial Day weekend recess with less than a week to go to stave off a federal default.

Key Facts

McDaniel told Fox on Wednesday President Joe Biden “is failing the American people” on the debt ceiling crisis, calling him “an MIA president” in ongoing negotiations and other issues, including crime and border security: “So I think that bodes very well for the Republican field,” she said.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates accused McDaniel of advocating for “an unprecedented economic downturn” for “perceived political benefit” in a statement Thursday, calling her comments “appalling and revealing.”

“These horrifying remarks explicitly wish an historic catastrophe on the entire country,” Bates said, adding “McDaniel just told the American people that” triggering a default “is worth scoring the cheapest political points imaginable.”

The latest back-and-forth comes as GOP and White House negotiators have been working on a deal for weeks to raise the federal government’s $31.4 trillion borrowing limit after months of impasse over Republican demands for spending cuts, which the White House has urged the GOP to negotiate through the budget process.

What To Watch For

The House will break for recess on Thursday and Biden will head to Camp David then Delaware for the weekend. Lawmakers could be called back, with a 24 hour notice, to vote on debt ceiling legislation if the GOP and White House negotiators reach an agreement before next week, however.

Key Background

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and the White House have been locked in a negotiating stalemate for months over the federal borrowing limit, which Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said must be raised by June 1 or the U.S. risks defaulting on its financial obligations, an unprecedented scenario that would likely trigger a recession. Democrats and the Biden Administration are pushing Republicans to agree to lifting the debt ceiling without any other conditions attached, but the GOP is angling to include broad spending cuts and rollbacks of key Biden policies in exchange. McCarthy expressed optimism on Thursday about the status of the talks, telling ABC News “yesterday, I thought, was a very good day. We made some progress,” adding “there are still some outstanding issues.” A day earlier, he reiterated Republicans’ hopes for caps on spending and more work requirements for welfare recipients.


Some Democrats urged Biden to publicly call on Republicans to raise the debt ceiling in a national address, indicating growing frustration within the party about the White House’s relatively reserved public messaging strategy surrounding the negotiations. “The president should be out there,” Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Ct.) told Politico, sentiment shared by. Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas), who accused McCarthy of framing the talks in “very dishonest ways.” Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) also expressed discontent with Biden’s restraint. “They need to use the power of the presidency. I don’t buy this argument that [public silence] helps the negotiation,” he told Politico.

Further Reading

Biden ‘Can’t Guarantee’ GOP Won’t Force Default As Debt Ceiling Deadline Nears (Forbes)

Yellen Doubles Down On June 1 Deadline To Avert Default—As Debt Ceiling Talks Drag On (Forbes)

GOP Senators Say ‘Nobody Believes’ Yellen’s June 1 Debt Ceiling Deadline—Here’s Why They Might Be Right (Forbes)

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/05/25/white-house-accuses-rnc-chair-of-supporting-federal-default-for-political-benefit/