Whether more from Fed is required remains to be seen

Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Barkin said on Thursday it remains to be seen whether the Fed needs to tighten the policy further, per Reuters.

Key quotes

“We have time to see what path inflation takes, with rates now restrictive, financial conditions tightened.”

“We are making real progress on inflation.”

“The US economy is remarkably healthy.”

“The job isn’t done; inflation remains too high.”

“The Fed has to walk a fine line.”

“Not yet convinced inflation is on a smooth glide path to 2%.”

“Will need economic slowing to beat inflation.”

“Any downturn may be less severe than past recessions.”

Market reaction

The US Dollar showed no immediate reaction to these comments. At the time of press, the US Dollar Index was virtually unchanged on the day at 105.50.

Source: https://www.fxstreet.com/news/feds-barkin-whether-more-from-fed-is-required-remains-to-be-seen-202311091611