What is it And How are They Contrasting?

People connect Web3 with Web 3.0, but both are different things. Web 3.0 is a concept mainly connected to the semantic web whereas Web3 is a blockchain-based web. In the early days of the internet, individuals usually interconnected both terminologies and used it as a described term for the third generation of the World Wide Web (WWW). Surprisingly, both the terms are different. 

Let’s uncover the hidden concepts of Web3 and Web 3.0.    

The Complete Overview of Web 3.0 

To understand the concept of Web3 and Web 3.0, it is essential to explore the history. So without wasting a second, let’s directly talk about these two concepts. 

Web 3.0, an evolution of the internet, has come a long way since its introduction to the world. The concept was first introduced in 1990 and was known as Web 1.0. At that time, Web 1.0 was offering read-only internet services and involved technologies like Basic Web pages, HTML, Java, and e-commerce. 

In 2006, Web 2.0 was introduced to the world as a successive step to Web 1.0. This time, the internet became stronger, allowing individuals to read as well as write their thoughts. Mobile applications, social media, and global internet access emerged as a new normal with the introduction of Web 2.0. 

In recent years, the concept of Web 3.0 was introduced to the world and is mainly focused on academic and military purposes. The concept simply allows developers to control the applications, content, and online experience of users. Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Big Data are three main pillars of Web 3.0.        

Web3 At a Glimpse 

Web3, on the other hand, is a different version of the Internet which is decentralized and more secure. The concept of Web3 was introduced to the world in 2014 and was first introduced by the co-founder of Ethereum blockchain, Gavin Wood. The key idea behind the Web3 launch is to make the Internet more secure, accessible, and glassy to the world, mainly in terms of finance and data storage.   

Web3 made it easy for users to interact directly with others with greater privacy and security. Another main feature that makes Web3 is different from Web 3.0 is its ability to engage with micropayments or microtransactions. Payment processors such as PayPal and Stripe are supported by Web3, making it easy to purchase goods and services. 

Blockchain, NFTs, Decentralized storage, Cryptocurrency, Metaverse, and smart contracts are the building blocks of Web3. In addition to this Web3 also has its strong roots in the area of gaming. Decentraland, Axie Infinity, and The Sandbox are some games streaming over the Web3.

In short, the basic difference between Web3 and Web 3.0 is technology. Web3 works with blockchain technology whereas Web 3.0 operates with interchangeable technologies including HTML, Java, Javascript, etc.     


In the era of technology and advancement, most of the people interconnect Web 3.0 and Web3. However, both the terms are completely different, mainly in terms of the technologies over which they are constructed. Web3 operates with blockchain technology whereas Web 3.0 advances with certain data interchange technologies.  

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/10/29/web3-vs-web-3-0-what-is-it-and-how-are-they-contrasting/