What did Scaramucci say about Sam Bankman-Fried?

  1. Anthony Scaramucci felt SBF betrayed him; says he was like a friend to him.
  2. FTX had bought a stake in Scaramucci’s Skybridge in September last year.

On January 16, at Casper Lab’s Blockchain Hub event in Davos, Switzerland, Anthony Scaramucci, the founder of Skybridge capital, revealed that in the aftermath of the FTX debacle, he was betrayed by the acts of Bankman-Fried adding that he got a close relationship with him along with his family. 

“I want you to know that the betrayal and the scam both are not good talking about on different levels, it definitely harmed me in terms of reputation, but I’m only pointing to the deep relationship with anyone.”

“If somebody here has read Dante Alighieri’s Inferno, you will definitely be knowing about the ninth circle of Hell is reserved for… It is for the betrayal of a friend who is basically living with the devil, the ninth circle of hell on the frozen lake.”

“I am a very renowned person so my faults are wildly glorified, completely okay but I am not going to halt the risk-taking,” he added. Also “I considered Sam as the Mark Zukerberg of crypto, but I didn’t think he was the Bernie Madoff of the same.”

Although, Scaramucci has not been discouraged by the complete test, as he highlighted that he made his career by taking risks and he will possibly make those mistakes again.”

Laying emphasis on the fact that he believed in crypto, he said that FTX’s bankruptcy had nothing to do with the basic value theory of the technology. “That is why we have blockchain and crypto, as we are willing to make a decentralized condition where we do not have to love or have faith in others. Although, we can connect with others in a way where the technology fundamentally beatifies.”

As per CNBC, on January 13, Scaramucci said that SkyBridge is now working on purchasing back a 30% stake in the firm, which FTX bought for an unknown amount back in September last year.

Scaramucci revealed that after all legal details are fulfilled, the reclaim could go through before the second half of 2023. 

Scaramucci stated that it is very necessary to support friends such as Harrison, who has had a hard time because of his association with FTX.

Nancy J. Allen
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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/01/17/what-did-scaramucci-say-about-sam-bankman-fried/