What are the steps Helium network is to take while seeking its expansion?

Helium network is looking for its expansion for which there are proposals to look into the Internet of Things or IoT and 5G tech  

A novel concept from Helium network about standing up for a network of sensors and trackers that would be powered by node operators rewarded by its native tokens, seems to earn significant support. The startup that was renamed recently and represents founders of Helium, Nova Labs announced recently that the network is going to launch new crypto tokens that would be tied to individual networks. 

The shift of the network towards an all new model has come in the wake of Helium’s attempts towards its expansion of offerings including 5G connectivity and many more other things. As per CEO and co-founder of Nova Labs, Amir Haleem stated that the existing HNT token of Helium network will still continue to exist along with serving as some portion of floor currency or reserve currency that would be helping in expansion of the Helium ecosystem. 

In the meantime, first, there will be the launch of a new crypto token MOBILE this month that will be rewarding people who would operate a 5G node while contributing coverage to the latest network of Helium. There are about 5,000 early adopters of these 5G nodes who are going to run them. As Helium estimated, they are being rewarded currently for providing coverage for phones and laptop-like devices. 

Once MOBILE token goes live, all this  will be going to chance as further plans of Helium is to clae the 5G network rapidly as its hardware partners including FreedonFi are seeking to bring down the prices for the nodes. 

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The network has plans for August to launch a new Internet of things or IoT token that would be earned by node operators for LoRaWAN network that is originally designed for IoT devices including sensors and trackers. Currently, the network has upto  850,000 active nodes across the world that is quite high from its count in midMarch which was about 640,000 nodes.

 The respective tallly has climbed quite rapidly considering where it was at the start of last year. Existing HNT tokens that are earned whether through running nodes or purchased from secondary market, are going to  continue on as they are, after the launch of all new MOBILE and IOT tokens. 

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/06/12/what-are-the-steps-helium-network-is-to-take-while-seeking-its-expansion/