Vitalik Buterin on Elon Musk’s wave of Twitter Censorship

Vitalik Buterin on Elon Musk’s wave of Twitter Censorship

The recent report by Yahoo Finance states that the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, wrote in his twitter account about the recent wave of Elon Musk’s Twitter censorship.

Vitalik Buterin on Elon Musk’s Site Ban

Vitalik Buterin said the CEO of Twitter was deploying a strategy he calls “central planning as overfitting,” where Mr. Musk introduces policies that are “seeming to retrofit around Elon’s views on very specific situations.”

However the recent wave of censorship concerns started as the CEO banned the account ElonJets, which tracks his plane, as well as CelebJets, which tracks the private jets of various celebrities. Also, such bot trackers extract publicly available information and repost it, that no doubt, legal in the U.S.

Still, it seems like the Twitter head saw it as a threat to his privacy and safety and stepped up the ladder and banned the personal account of Jack Sweeney, the creator of the Elon Jets Twitter bot.

Then he quickly implemented a new Twitter policy that restricts “any tweets or accounts that share someone’s live location,” with the only exceptions being in relation to “a crisis situation to assist with humanitarian efforts or in relation to public engagement events.”

These bans come as a part of a backpedaling effort to restrict live location sharing despite the previous statement of Mr. Musk that he would not ban Sweeney’s tracking account in the name of “free speech.”

When a user countered that Mr. Musk was simply “responding to system inputs” by implementing the swift bans on such tracking accounts, Vitalik took issue with such a justification.

Vitalik also criticized Mr. Musk’s censorship of Mastodon links, a competing social media website, calling the move “really bad.” It’s unclear why Mastodon links are currently banned, though Mastodon’s official Twitter account was similarly suspended for sharing links to its version of the “ElonJet” account.

It is clear that many Twitter users are against banning accounts for sharing user locations that are already public. In a poll created by the Twitter CEO with more than 3.1 Million total votes, 59% of voters said such accounts should be unbanned “now” and not in a week as Mr. Musk has suggested.

Vitalik suggested that Twitter should provide users with at least a 30-day notice period before adding any new content moderation rules into effect.
