Ukraine Commences “NFT Museum” For Remembrance and Fundraising

  • Ukraine’s Digital Transformation Ministry is preparing to launch MetaHistory NFT Museum, a blockchain-based chronicle of Russian-Ukrainian war.
  • Artists who want to be featured in this NFT museum will register a portfolio with their work which the directors will take a look at.
  • Ukrainian lands are still crawling with the cruel Russian invaders who are making everyday life difficult, and pushing citizens to live under pressure.

MetaHistory NFT Museum

Ukrainian Digital Transformation Ministry is prepared to launch MetaHistory NFT Museum, a chronicle emerging from Russian anarchist approach towards Ukraine.

This museum will exhibit in form of virtual art paired with scripted reflections. Initial drop is expected to come as soon as on Tuesday, as per a representative of project.

A prime attribute of storing information on blockchain is immutability, MetaHistory’s Danil Melnyk stated on a news website in an interview. Minting of art in shape of NFTs will assist in preserving it, he stated, while also jacking up funds for standing in this war.

Melnyk also stated that different artists eyeing to get featured in this museum will register their portfolio with their artwork, where director will take a thorough look at it and then give an approval, by offering insights if they are suitable.

Artist will then be offered a historical event to make a work from, and then MetaHistory museum will mint finished product as a Non Fungible Token on blockchain of Ethereum.

Every NFT is expected to be sold at a value of 0.15 Ethereum, and entire profits from initial sale will be transferred to Ministry of Digital Transformation’s wallet. Funds will be dispersed to humanitarian aid attempts in Ukraine, stated Melnyk.

The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict

Since Vladimir Putin ordered his army to invade Ukrainian lands, citizens of victim nations are suffering a lot since war day one. Ukraine is doing all in its hands to fight against invaders, and many helping hands have offered their help to stand against Russia.

Ukraine have received donations from different parts of the world, including general public as well as celebrities. Cryptocurrencies have assisted the nation prominently, and majority of payments bagged by country are in form of digital assets.

Gavin Woods, co-founder of Polkadot ecosystem, donated DOT tokens worth $5.8 Million for aid. NFT collections like CryptoPunks and bored Ape Yacht Club are also with nation, where BAYC aided $1 Million Fund to the country.

Apart from this, Hollywood celebrities like Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis are among the individuals who offered to help Ukraine in this war, and raised funds for a good cause.

Russia is throwing its dominance over Ukraine day by day, and is not appear to be in a mood to halt this attack. Although, as per some reports, some security discussions were conducted recently, which indicated that the world can witness this war come to an end, but unfortunately, the day is not here yet.

We will hope to witness a peace treaty among nations so that citizens can go back to their normal lives again.

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