UBS makes profit history with Credit Suisse takeover

Setting the stage for a historical performance in the banking sector, UBS has showcased a profit spectacle rarely witnessed before.

The Swiss financial mammoth has proudly marked its territory by reporting an astonishing $29 billion quarterly profit. The monumental gain is tethered to its acquisition of Credit Suisse, demonstrating the high stakes and returns of the banking world.

A Divisive Profit Windfall

While UBS’s exceptional profit surge has been attributed almost exclusively to the takeover, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows for the financial behemoth.

The massive boost eclipsed the previous record held by JPMorgan, which reported a $14.3 billion profit at 2021’s onset. However, peeling back the takeover layer reveals a more modest $1.1 billion pre-tax profit for UBS.

The merger isn’t merely a testament to the company’s financial prowess; it’s a culmination of intricate strategies and decisions. Credit Suisse’s domestic division will function independently until its legal fusion with UBS next year.

By 2025, the integration is expected to be seamless, with plans to wind down Credit Suisse’s domestic sponsorships in motion.

Yet, the unification of their international sectors is already under the spotlight. With customers pulling out a hefty SFr39bn, Credit Suisse reported a SFr9.3bn ($10.6bn) pre-tax blow for Q2.

Switzerland’s Banking Melodrama

The decision to absorb Credit Suisse’s domestic realm and dissolve a brand that’s stood tall for 167 years isn’t without its critics. In fact, it’s a daring move, especially when merging two globally pivotal financial players for the first time.

Shortly after the merger announcement, a public poll unveiled that three-quarters of the Swiss population wasn’t thrilled about UBS’s daring integration with its one-time competitor.

With Switzerland’s national elections looming in October, the merger’s ramifications on the country’s corporate landscape are sparking intense debates.

UBS’s CEO, Sergio Ermotti, armed with confidence, stood his ground, asserting that complete assimilation was optimal for UBS, stakeholders, and the broader Swiss economy.

Fast-tracking to 2026, UBS envisions a seamless integration with the broader Credit Suisse group, targeting a staggering $10 billion cost-cutting measure. The anticipated 3,000 Swiss job cuts, as outlined by Ermotti, is another tough pill to swallow. While he assures that retirements and natural attrition will account for most of these, skepticism looms.

And let’s address the elephant in the room: the colossal $29 billion accounting gain, recognized as negative goodwill. It mirrors the variance between Credit Suisse’s asset valuation and UBS’s acquisition price.

Though analysts had predicted an even fatter wallet for UBS, with gains projected at $33 billion, Credit Suisse’s recent losses and UBS writedowns on some assets brought the figures back to earth.

Their latest financial report also highlighted fluctuating fortunes: a dip in wealth management profits, a leap in retail and corporate banking figures, and plummeting asset management and investment banking gains. And let’s not forget the aftermath of legacy legal tangles.

With UBS recently settling a $1.4 billion tab to put a cap on a US regulatory probe related to residential mortgage bonds mis-selling, it’s clear the banking giant isn’t averse to tying up loose ends.

On the brighter side, since UBS decided to swoop in as Credit Suisse’s financial savior, their shares have skyrocketed nearly 40%. Their recent 6% surge, the highest since 2008, proves that the risk might just be paying off, despite the challenges and scrutiny the merger continues to face.

In the end, it’s clear: UBS’s audacious moves in the banking sector will be closely watched. Whether it’s a masterstroke or a miscalculation, only time will unveil. But for now, UBS stands tall, unapologetic, and ever-defiant in its vision.
